Chapter 22: The Journey Begins! The Lawless Planet Of Lotanos

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A few hours after departing from Evac 12, the rookies continue with their journey to the Goblin Base, the vastness of space stretching out before them. Juyon meanders to the pilot bay, the beeping of the ship's control panel sounding throughout the room as Rojo and Jax oversee the ship's progress. "How long will this trip take?"

"It's around 8 hours, but, Before we go to Molorx, we'll need a cloaking system to get by their planetary defense grid. Since those things cost a shit ton of royal in Ozania's normal markets, we have to go to the outer edges of the universe," says Rojo.

"Isn't it a crime against Ozania to shop in the Outer Edges' black markets?"

"Yes, it is, but we're fugitives Juyon. Even if we went to an Ozania marketplace, our pal 499 would make mincemeat of us and take us in."

"Good point, but most of us haven't even been to the Outer Edges. Do you have any place in mind?"

"I know a place," Rojo's eyes sparkle with assurance as he turns to Jax, the corners of his mouth lifting in a cocky smirk. "Jax, activate the JumpSpace."

"Ok," Jax hits the blue JumpSpace button on the control panel, the engines roaring as the spaceship prepares to accelerate.

Rojo turns on the P. A system, a buzz echoing throughout. "Hey everyone, we're about to enter a JumpSpace. For those of you who haven't experienced this, don't look out the windows. You'll get sick if you do."

A "JumpSpace" is done by flying your ship at speeds we'll over the speed of light. It's a function used by pilots to travel to other parts of the universe much quicker than normal. Though it's a fast way of travel, it's also hazardous. One miscalculation in the coordinates or moving the ship even a bit can cause a ship to self-destruct or even a rift to occur.

The ship enters an area of warped space, and the lights of the stars and planets bend and twist in their vision. When they exit the jump space, they are surrounded by a celestial symphony of planets. "Which of these planets are we going to, Rojo?" asks Jax.

"The planet we're going to is Lotanos. That's one of the best planets for Black Markets in the Outer Edges."

Juyon's lips purse into a look of anxiety. "Lotanos? I heard bad things about that place."

"Then I suggest we need to be disguised. I got a feeling "outsiders" like us roaming a planet like Lotanos won't be a good idea. Denkei, do you have anything?" asks Rojo.

Denkei pulls out beige cloaks from his blue backpack and throws them to the group, their fabric whispering through the air. Navar squints his eyes as he inspects the cloaks. "Why are we wearin' these?"

"Warriors, let alone Ozanian ones, aren't viewed in high regard in these areas of the universe. We should put these on to be safe," says Rojo.

"Alright, then that should tell us to be careful and not do anything stupid," Miri shoots Navar a sideways glance.

Navar arches his eyebrows in confusion. "What are you lookin' at me for?"

After a three-hour flight, the ship descends into the deserted, desert-landscaped planet, the sand stretching as far as the eye could see. "Ok, guys, let's separate into groups to find a cloaking device. The name of the device is called a Ship Bypass Cloak V5," says Rojo.

"Right," says everyone

"So, who's going with who?" asks Miri.

"Since Juyon is the strongest, he should stay behind and guard the ship. Navar, Miri and I will go with each other. While Seiju, Astran, Nozomi, Denkei, and Rojo should go together, do you think that's good?"

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