Chapter 25: The Goblin Mite Pikati! An Unexpected Ally!

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Miri narrows her eyes and purses her lips, her expression conveying her disapproval of Navar's suggestion. "How do we know he's not lying, Navar? For all we know, he could be an enemy spy?"

Navar smiles serenely at Miri, his gaze steady and unwavering. "He doesn't look bad, Miri. Let's give him a chance."

"Why T-thank you, young sir," says the goblin.

"What's your name?"

"My name is Pikati. I am the only failed Super-Mite experiment."

"Super-Mite experiment? What do you mean by that?" asks Miri

"Overlord wanted to increase the strength of his army and also wanted soldiers with the element of surprise. To do so, he requested his lead partner to make mites that transform into giant soldiers."

"Why did it fail?" asks Miri.

"Let's just say there were "complications" that held the test back."

"Next question, how did you find us?" asks Juyon.

"I watched your ship land, so I followed behind you and waited for the right moment to introduce myself."

"Why do you plan to work with us if you are a Goblin?" asks Jax.

"Since the experiment failed, they alienated me from the entire army, so I have no purpose in working with them."

Navar throws his head back in a hearty laugh and looks at Miri. "See, Miri. I told you he's not our enemy."

Pikati turns his head, his gaze meeting Navar's. "I have one question for you guys, though."

"What is it?"

"Why are you guys here?"

"We're here to defeat the Goblins once and for all," says Navar.

"A-are you sure about that? The Goblin Army is a force to be reckoned with."

"If we weren't sure, we wouldn't be here."

"Wait a second.. that armor style...." Pikati thinks to himself. He takes a closer look at the group, and then a spark of recognition flashes through his eyes when he realizes they're wearing Ozania-styled armor. "Wait, a minute... You're Ozanian warriors, aren't you?!"

"Yes, we are!"

"Awesome! I've heard so many marvelous stories about the greatness of people like Ozan, Sir Ganforth, Rai, Reymont, and many more!"

"Do you want to join us?"

"I don't see why not. It beats roaming around for another ten years."

"Awesome, Pikati. I'm glad you can join!"

"Ok, now that we're acquainted, where is the Goblin Base?" asks Miri.

"It's four more miles north."

"Sweet! So we were getting close there this whole time!" says Navar.

"Ok, do you guys have a vehicle you can spawn? I can't walk long distances. My bones are quite brittle,"

Navar crouches and taps his finger against the ridges of his shoulder plate. "You can relax on my shoulder if you want to."

"Thanks!" Pikati leaps onto Navar's shoulder plate and clings to it.

Navar looks north, the wind rustling his clothes as he heads in that direction. "Come on, guys, let's go!"

"Hold on a moment, Navar, let's not rush things," says Denkei.

"What do you mean? We have to kick this guy's ass!"

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