Chapter 19: Entry Exam Arc Finale: Xolly! The Leader Of The X Bandits!

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The Wrothgnir sprints toward Seiju and Juyon, its eyes blazing with malice and its teeth bared in a snarl. Juyon glances at Nozomi from afar. "Nozomi, open a Mental Link to Shinjiro and the others!"

Nozomi opens a Mental Link to Shinjiro. "Shinjiro."

"What's going on?"

"A beast is attacking the village. We don't know whether it's an enemy-controlled one or if it's just wild. Right now, Juyon and Seiju are trying to stop it."

"Thank you for relaying the message to me, Nozomi. Juyon and Seiju, if you two are listening, ensure that the beast causes no casualties. Protect that village at all costs."

"Yes, sir," says Nozomi, Seiju, and Juyon.

Nozomi closes the Mental Link then, we enter the POV of Shinjiro and the others rushing up the mountainside, the chilly wind blowing in their hair.

Upon arriving at the second outpost, they crouch behind two tall trees to obscure themselves from the enemy's view. Shinjiro surveys the base and notices two turrets perched atop the wall. He returns his gaze to his subordinates, his eyes narrowed in concentration. "This outpost has two turrets, so charging in like we did last time is out of the question."

"Then what should we do?" asks Denkei.

"I got an idea, Denkei. Do you still have that catapult figurine inside your robe?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Take it out."

Denkei moves his fingers around the catapult figurine. "Magic Spell Alchemy: Size Expansion!" The compact catapult figurine grows to a regular-sized one.

Navar scurries to the catapult and glances at Shinjiro with an amiable expression. "Can I go on? Please, Please, Please!"

"Sure, once you're launched there, take out the goblins behind the turrets, then we'll help you take out the rest of them."

"Ok!" Navar throws himself into the bucket of the catapult, his hands grazing the cool metal surface.

Denkei sends a boulder crashing onto the spring, launching Navar into the air with a powerful jolt. A goblin manning the turret sees Navar soaring overhead. "Incoming attack! Everyone go on the defensive!"

The goblin behind the turret fires a bright green Ion beam toward Navar. While floating in mid-air, Navar shifts his body upward, angling his sword to the left and clutching the hilt of his sword with a tight grip. He swings his blade up in the air, rattling against the blast bolt and deflecting it toward the turret. "Okayasu Blade: Okayasu Parry!" The beam being deflected at the turret destroys it, causing a loud explosion.

"One turret down! Let's make our move!" said Shinjiro. Shinjiro, Miri, and Denkei infiltrate the base, attacking the goblins armed with ion blasters. The trio dispatches the group of soldiers on the first floor and climb the stairs to the rooftop. Navar stands with a satisfied smirk as they arrive on the top floor, his sword draped confidently across his shoulders. "I got the other guy on the turret and the rest of those bandits. We're all done here!"

"Good job Navar! Now, let's rest, guys, and chill out for a bit!" Shinjiro invokes Ice JōKai on his blade. Everyone scowls and shakes their heads in disbelief at the terrible pun. "Dang, I thought the joke would work this time." Shinjiro thinks to himself.

After a brief break to recover from their fight, Shinjiro, Navar, Miri, and Denkei continue their journey, their footsteps crunching against the icy terrain. They arrive at the second outpost and notice three large turrets leaning over the wall. They crouch behind a large rock to obscure themselves from enemy sight. "Damn, they got way more turrets on the wall than last time. Anyone got any ideas?" says Shinjiro.

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