Chapter 6: The Entry Exams Begin! Navar Vs. Juyon Part 1!

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One week after the events of the orientation, Navar, Miri, and Jax lay in their hotel room beds, the sunlight streaming through the window warming their faces. Jax opens his eyes, a loud yawn escaping his lips as he stretches his arms out. When he looks at the clock and sees it's 8:17 AM, he feels a panicked dread as he realizes they had overslept. "Shit, guys, we overslept! Wake up!" Jax nudges Navar and Miri.

Navar and Miri open their eyes, see the time, and their bodies tense with the same dread as Jax. "Oh shoot, how in the hell did that happen?!" says Navar.

"No need to worry about how! We're gonna be late for our exam," says Miri.

After they finish their morning routine, Miri and Jax step out of the bathroom and see three packages of varying shapes and sizes, all tinted orange. "Hey, who put these things on our bed?" Miri whirls around to face the door, but the click of the latch is the only thing she hears before it closes with a thud. "Dammit.."

Once Navar turns the corner, his gaze is immediately drawn to the package. "Woah, a package! I wonder what it is," He scuttles from the doorframe and snatches the orange box with his name printed across it. "Now, let's see what's in here."

"Wait, Navar, don't!" says Jax and Miri.

Navar opens the package and becomes overtaken by the smell of metal, revealing many armor pieces and a sword with a polished blade. "Yes! Our armors finally came!"

Jax and Miri share a sigh of relief, the tension in their shoulders melting away. "Thank goodness that wasn't some sort of bomb," says Jax.

Miri opens her package and meets the glint of four 14-inch daggers and the feel of the cold, intricate black armor pieces. "Yes, four daggers, as requested."

Jax opens his package, inhaling the smell of fresh fabric as he unveils the navy blue Academy uniform. "Woah! My Academy uniform!"

Navar, Jax, and Miri take turns changing from their loungewear into their new clothing. Miri's warrior armor comprises a sleek, black, half-topped sleeveless breastplate, black metal shorts, long black metal boots that reach her thighs, and two 18-inch metal wristbands. On her wristbands and boots, she has two slots per limb to securely hold her daggers for fighting. She feels the daggers fit snugly into the four slots on her waist, two on each side. Miri's lips twitch with excitement, forming a sly smirk. "Just as I imagined my armor."

Navar's armor style is a short-sleeved golden chest plate with white lines running through its crevices and a sword sheath slot on the back. His armor also contains a set of gray metallic shorts, shimmering golden wrist gauntlets, and short brown steel boots.

Jax's outfit consists of a navy blue shirt with a row of silver circular buttons running down the middle, feeling relaxed and smooth. He also has long pants of the same color, and black dress shoes are made of high-quality leather. As soon as everyone is finished, Jax hastens to the main door of their room. "Ok, guys, let's get goin'!"

Miri slams her hand on the door and pushes Jax back with a gentle nuzzle. "Wait."

"What do you mean wait, Miri? We're runnin' late!"

Miri adjusts Jax's collar, ensuring it's properly aligned with his uniform. "I was trying to fix your collar, silly."

"Oh wow, thanks for that, Miri. Now, let's get the hell to the main building."

Navar, Jax, and Miri leave the hotel and arrive at the building they were in for orientation. As they meander through the building, they gape in confusion, trying to decide which way to go. "Um, where do we go?" asks Navar.

Miri examines the area until her gaze is drawn to a glowing sign that says, Warrior Entry Exam. "Look right over there. I think that's where you and I are supposed to go, Navar."

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