Chapter 13: The End Of The Entry Exams! Seiju Vs. Denkei Finale!

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Seiju feels the ground shake as the statue's heavy steps move closer and closer. "It wouldn't be wise to challenge that thing head-on. I outta give myself some space," Seiju dabs a small amount of Flame JōKai on his bow. the sparks crackling in the air echoing around him. "Flame Bow: Smokescreen!" Seiju pulls the string back and releases a small flame, producing a wavering wall of smoke between them.

Through the thick, acrid smoke, the statue ventures, its head rotating to search for Seiju. "Where on earth is he?"

After the smokescreen fades away, the Figurine feels a sudden burst of heat emanating from behind him. "What in the world is that blistering heat?"

As the figurine turns, Seiju's bow is drawn, two fiery arrows glinting in the light. "Flame Bow: Double Flame Shot!" Seiju pulls the string back, the sound of the bowstring twanging in the air before releasing the fiery arrows. The blazing arrows approach rapidly, a whooshing wind accompanying them until they pierce through the statue's arm. Seiju summons one more flame arrow, feeling the string's tension pull back against his fingertips. "Flame Bow: Flame Shot!" Seiju launches the flaming arrow, the arrow whizzing through the air before hitting the statue's knees, sending it crashing to the ground with a loud thud.

"Sorry, summoner, I have failed you.." The figurine shatters into a million pieces, the dust of its body settling on the ground.

"Ok, now that he's gone," Seiju scans the arena, his head swiveling back and forth in search of Denkei. "I defeated your little statue. Now come out and stop hiding, coward!"

"As you please," Denkei steps into view, his mage stick clutched in his hand.

A smug, satisfied grin spreads across Seiju's face when he sees Denkei. "About time," Seiju summons a blazing Flame JōKai arrow onto his bow and pulls back the string, aiming it at Denkei. "Flame Bow: Flame Shot!" Seiju releases the fire arrow, and it blazes through the sky with tremendous speed. As the arrow sails closer to Denkei, the image of him transforms into a towering rectangular rock.  Seiju's arrow strikes the base of the rock, sending it toppling toward him. "Dammit, another illusion!" Seiju jumps a few steps back to avoid the collapsing rock. As Seiju turns, he hears the faint sound of Denkei's book snapping shut. "What the hell is that?"

"My opponent is within my grasp. I call upon the powers of the supernatural to never release him. Magic Spell Binding: Five-Handed Trap!" Five pitch-black hands envelop Seiju in an unyielding grip. Seiju writhes in the bind's grip, trying to break free. "What the hell? Why can't I move?!"

Denkei approaches Seiju and gives him a soft tap on the head with his mage stick, making a light thud as it touches him. "Thanks for making the battle easy for me, pretty boy."

"Screw you, asshole, you cheated!"

"I didn't 'cheat'; I outsmarted you. There's a difference, pal..."

"Teh, even if you have me trapped, I still can break through this."

"Well, even if you somehow had the strength, which I doubt you do, what will do you about that?" Denkei directs attention to an anvil, the Mage Robe fluttering around it as it descends.

Seiju looks up at the sky and releases a long sigh. "Oh, you've gotta be kidding me."

"Any last regards?"

"Screw you!"

Denkei sends the dagger flying, and the anvil comes loose from the knot, crashing onto Seiju's head with a deafening boom and leaving him motionless.

"I see… When Seiju shot at Denkei with his "Double Flame Shot" attack, Denkei's robe floated into the air. Before it could float any further, he used a "Slow Growth" Alchemy spell with an anvil figurine, tied it to his robe, and let the residual wind from Seiju's attack float. Then, he used that statue to distract Seiju and give him time for the binding spell. After that, he used the residual heat of the Tri Arrow Shot and the Flaming Blaze attack to create an illusion of himself, which made Seiju shoot the falling rock and have him jump right into the trap. Clever plan," 499 thinks to himself.

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