Chapter 8: A Great Conclusion! Navar Vs. Juyon Finale!

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499 watches in the stands, his eyes glued to the fight as he reflects on the battle's circumstances and Navar's miraculous comeback. "Although it seemed ignorant, Navar's strategy was clever. Since Juyon is a close-range combatant, he invaded his space to observe how he used JōKai Amplification. Then, once he saw how Juyon was doing it, he picked up on it at an unheard-of learning rate. Though reckless, he shows extraordinary potential as a Supernatural," 499 thinks to himself.

Juyon wipes away the blood trickling from his lip, his face contorting in frustration as he stares at Navar. "Just because you learn some new power doesn't mean you can beat me."

Navar's face lights up with a grin as he chuckles. "That fat bruise on your face says otherwise."

"Let's see how long you can run your mouth," Juyon summons Hard Terrain JōKai on his fists, the sound of his thudding footsteps echoing in the air as he sprints towards Navar.

"It never stops runnin', and you better get used to it," Navar drops his sword to his waist and charges forward, the wind whistling past him as he runs towards Juyon.

Juyon's body glows as JōKai Amplification surges through it, magnifying his strength. He rears his arm back, then delivers a heavy left hook that fills the air with a whoosh. "Bellowing Bison!"

"Woah!" Navar avoids Juyon's punch by ducking down, then he swiftly springs up and slices Juyon across his chest. Even though the slice lands, Juyon remains still, prompting a deep, exasperated groan to escape Navar's lips. "He's tough," Navar thinks to himself.

As Navar is still in midair, Juyon throws a right hook, and it connects with Navar's arm and deltoid, resulting in Navar skidding across the arena's floor. Navar places his hand on the ground to steady himself, feeling the rough texture as he slides until he reaches the arena's edge. "Phew, that was close," Navar thinks to himself.

"He's on the edge of the arena. I'll bombard his defense to cause him to ring out," Juyon closes the gap between them, and the force of his left hook reverberates through the air.

Navar evades Juyon's attack with a leap to the right, and the sound of his blade cutting through the air fills the space as he executes a cross-body slash aimed at his head. Juyon summons Hard Terrain JōKai, and with a clang, his fists and Navar's steel blade collide and echo through the area. The power of the clash is so strong; they're sent meters away from each other, the vibrations shaking the ground beneath them. After taking a second to regain their composure, they both run toward each other. Navar sheathes his sword, then launches a flying kick to Juyon's abdomen. Juyon tenses his muscles and absorbs the shock of the kick. Juyon secures Navar's leg and gives it a sharp yank, pulling him close. He then lets loose a punch so powerful it sends Navar careening across the arena.

With a sense of urgency, Navar grabs his blade and wraps his hands around the hilt as he tumbles toward the arena's edge. To avoid ringing out, he plants his sword into the arena tile, the sound of metal clashing against the stone echoing throughout the arena. Navar steadies his breathing, then shoots Juyon a worried glance. "He's tough. He won't go down no matter how hard I hit or slash him. But he has scratches all over his body—maybe a few more outta do him in," Navar thinks to himself.

Juyon observes the clear JōKai Amplification aura on Navar's body. "Just a couple of moments ago, he couldn't even fight on par with me. Now he can keep up with me blow for blow and withstand my attacks. However, the way he's using that amplification technique.. no matter, I have to defeat him before he progresses anymore in this battle."

Navar and Juyon speed across the arena, their sweat-drenched clothes clinging to their skin. Navar wildly swings his sword, aimed at Juyon's head, but Juyon blocks it with his Hard Terrain JōKai-infused right fist. Then, with a powerful thrust of his fist, Juyon propels into Navar's gut, lifting him from his feet. "This one should do it right here!" Juyon drives his arm back, and his fist tightens as JōKai Amplification and Hard Terrain JōKai surge through it. "Bellowing Bison!" Juyon's punch connects with Navar's chin, sending him reeling meters away from him. Navar lies on the floor, and Juyon feels his palms sweating as he clenches his fists, hoping his last attack ends their fight. "Please, just stay down. I don't want to cause you any more pain," Juyon watches in dismay as Navar rises to his feet and unsheathes his blade, the sharp glint of the metal catching the light. "Goddammit, he's still standing even after I tried to knock him out," As he continues to reflect inward, he feels his body become overwhelmed by the exhaustion brought on by the battle. "And to make matters worse, I'm getting exhausted. No matter, I'll have to bet it all on this attack. This will end him," Juyon charges toward Navar; then his arms move so fast they show an illusion of hundreds of fists.

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