Chapter 28: The Second Level! The Mysterious Level Of Riddles!

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As the elevator lowers to the second level, Nozomi feels the presence of nearby enemies, making her ears perk up in anticipation. Nozomi opens a Mental Link. "I sense some enemies below."

Pikati uses Farsight to peer down to the lower level. He sees goblin and elf soldiers with weapons awaiting their arrival. "There are multiple armed goblins down there."

"Can we combat them with the people we have?" asks Juyon.

"I doubt it this time, considering how little space we have to move around in this elevator," says Jax.

Denkei delves into his robe, pulling out nine tiny dolls. "Maybe if we disguise ourselves and place life-sized dolls into this bag. We can say we disposed of the intruders, and more than likely, they'll let us through."

"Good idea," says Jax.

Denkei arranges the nine tiny dolls in a single row on the floor. He then plants his mage stick on the floor. "Magic Spell Alchemy: Life Size Expansion!" The dolls expand to a lifelike size, their beady eyes glimmering in the light. "Ok, everyone, stand still. Magic Spell Enchantment: Disguise!" Everyone morphs into Goblin and Elf Soldiers.

We now enter the POV of The Goblins on Level 2, shifting their feet and whispering amongst themselves as they patrol the halls. A goblin soldier feels a vibration of his page against his leg. "It seems our orders have changed. We're supposed to take them alive to gather Intel."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, send out the orders to the other Goblin squads."

"Yes, sir!" The goblin subordinate relays the new order to the goblin and elf squadrons stationed throughout the base. After a few moments, the elevator doors open with a creak, unveiling the people in disguise. One of them lugs a bag, its contents clunking as they walk, containing the life-sized dolls. "We killed those brats, as Overlord ordered. After we did that, we disposed of the brats in this bag. Where should we go?" asks Denkei.

"The order was to defeat them and take them alive, not to kill them and dispose of them," says the Head Goblin.

"Well, you see, we- didn't get the order until later," Denkei stumbles on his words. "Damn, they're catching on, and I can't focus anymore!" Denkei thinks to himself.

Nozomi senses Denkei's unease, so she creates a Mental Link. "What's the matter, Denkei?"

"The spell is about to wear off. Everyone get ready!" As the spell wears off and their disguises disappear, the Goblins draw their weapons and point them at the group, ready to shoot. "Kill those brats!"

Denkei drags his mage stick across the ground, leaving a line in its wake. "Magic Spell Alchemy: Barrier Wall!" The wall rises from the ground, the blast bolts reverberating against its sturdy surface. The blast bolts continue to strike the wall, fragments of stone and plaster raining down. "This isn't enough to hold off the enemies. We need to flee from this area!"

"Pikati has Farsight, and with that, he can see in the dark. If I shoot the lights, it can help big time," Thought Jax. Jax unholsters his Ion blaster, and with a few shots, the area is plunged into darkness as he shoots out the lights.

The darkness in the room obscures the entries, preventing the soldiers from seeing them. "We can't see, dammit!"

Pikati activates Farsight and sees a path that can lead them away from the encroaching enemies. "I see a path. Follow me, guys!"

"I'll open a Mental Link so Pikati can tell us the directions telepathically. That way, the Goblins can't follow us."

"Good idea, let's book it, guys!" says Navar.

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