Chapter 17: The First Mission! Journey To The Snowy World Of Xorus

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One week has taken place since the Entry and Cadet Exams, and the first mission for the Entries and Cadets begins in five hourse. After a few hours of training, Navar and Miri wander around the capital world. "Hey Navar, what do you think we should do for the rest of the time?"

"Hmmm, to be honest, I don't know. We spent most of the time training. Now I'm out of ideas."

"That's odd. Normally you're the one full of ideas. Guess all that training has your mind exhausted."

"Yeah, and I'm pretty hungry, too," Navar's stomach gurgles as he feels his hunger gnawing at him.

"Guess we can get some lunch. Let's find a spot to eat," Navar and Miri find a restaurant named Shuki's Dine In. As Navar and Miri walk into the diner, they hear the rattle of dishes and the chatter of people as they get seated in a bright red booth by a middle-aged waitress. "Hello, young ones. Welcome to Shuki's. What would you like to drink?"

Navar and Miri glance at the list of drinks in front of them, the light of the neon sign reflecting off their faces.

"I'll have the Stardust Berry Blast," says Navar

"I'll take the Banana Squeeze."

"Okay, will do. We'll be back with your drinks shortly."

As the minutes tick by, Navar's grip on their seat tightens, and eventually, a frustrated grunt leaves his lips. "Ugh, I'm so bored. Why do we have to wait for everything… Drinks… Missions! I just want the mission to start."

Miri tunes out Navar's constant moaning and surveys the environment vigilantly. Navar releases a frustrated sigh. "Miri, you're doing it again. Why do you have to be this way in public?"

"You never know who or what you're dealing with in public places. It's always smart to keep an eye o-" Miri's sentence trails off mid-word when her gaze locks onto Seiju. "Oh great, that guy…" she thinks to herself.

"Navar, that playboy is here behind us."

"Huh, where?" Navar turns to look for Seiju, but Miri's slap on his arm stops him in mid-motion.

"Don't stare at him, fool. You'll draw attention to our table, you idiot! Here," She sits on Navar's side of the booth, holding a mirror up and pretending to adjust her appearance while discreetly showing Navar Seiju's reflection in the glass.

"Oh, that creep! Don't worry. I got him."

"Relax, you don't need to do anything, especially here. Just ignore. him."

"Fine," Finally, the waitress appears at their table, placing two tall glasses of cold drinks on the table with a clink. "Yes, it's about time!" Navar noisily gulps his cold beverage, the silver straw clinking against the glass.

The server removes a pad and pencil from the side of her black apron. "What can I get the two of you?"

"I'll take a 10-slice pizza with Kleiton Style French fries," says Navar.

"I'll take the Yan Yan Sushi topped with Rangow Planted Herbs," says Miri.

"Ok, we'll get your order to you in 10 minutes," After a 10-minute wait, Navar and Miri's food arrives on a golden platter at their booth.

Navar eagerly rubs his hands together, savoring the smell of freshly cooked food. "It's about time! I'm so hungry!"

Miri watches in revulsion as Navar tears into his pizza, the greasy cheese dripping down his chin. "You know, now that you're a warrior, you should watch what you eat, Navar."

"I don't care! Pizza is my favorite food! I'll eat it when I want to!"

A few pieces of pizza fly from his mouth as he eats, making Miri cringe and turn away from the unsightly scene. "You can at least eat cleaner," Miri lets out an exhale of annoyance as chunks of pizza land on her face. "Why must he be so gross?" she thinks to herself.

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