Chapter 21: Navar's Plan! Journey To The Goblin Base Of Molorx!

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Miri's neck tenses as she jerks her head back, bewildered by Navar's statement. "What idea are you talking about, Navar?"

Navar's lips curve into a confident smile as he glances at Jax. "Jax, get a ship ready. We're goin' to that planet."

"Navar, I say this because I love you. You're out of your mind," says Jax

"Trust me, guys. I got a plan."

"Just what do you mean plan? That doesn't sound within your capabilities. Jax and I will pass on going, and you should, too."

Navar strides toward the exit of the hotel room, the thick red carpet muffling his footsteps. "Fine by me. I'll just go on my own."

Navar continues until Miri lets out a sharp exhale of irritation, causing him to stop. "I can't believe I'm saying this. Maybe Navar is right. The enemy isn't expecting a bunch of rookies to enter the planet. If we go, we can do something by using the element of surprise. Besides, we can't let Navar go alone. He wouldn't get that far, anyway."

Navar casts a triumphant glance at Jax, his eyes alive with jubilation. "Come on, Jax..."

Jax's face lights up with a broad grin, his lips stretched into a smile. "Hell, if you're goin', I don't have a choice."

"Glad you guys are comin' with me!" says Navar.

"We're only coming because you'd get yourself killed if you went alone," says Miri.

'Navar lets out a sly, amused chortle. "Alone? Who said I was goin' alone?"

Jax and Miri scratch their heads in puzzlement, their hands scraping against their scalp. "What do you mean?" asks Jax.

Navar, Miri, and Jax exit the hotel and begin their journey through the bustling city, the sun warming their faces as they search for people to join their expedition. "You think the other entries will join us, Navar?" asks Miri.

"Of course, how can they pass up makin' a name for themselves by takin' down the goblin army!" says Navar.

After glancing around momentarily, Miri notices Denkei perched beneath a large tree. "Look, there's that magician from the exams."

"Leave this to me, guys," Navar strides toward Denkei, his feet rustling the delicate grass beneath him. He crawls toward Denkei and then nuzzles the book downwards, sharing a moment of eye contact.

Denkei glances at Navar before averting his gaze to the pages of his book. "Go away."


"Why do you come up to the hill and bother me when I'm reading?"

"Because I need a favor from you."

"What would that favor be?"

"Come help me fight Overlord and his henchmen."

"How do you plan on getting there?"

"Well, you see, we found the coordinates for their exact location, and we're gettin' ready to take a ship there."

"What about their planetary defense system? What about the thousands of soldiers on standby guarding the planet? What are your plans for that?"

"We're goin' in head-on!"

"Yeah, that plan sounds great. Why don't you go ahead and have our funerals ready while you're at it?"

"Hey, don't you panize me, you jerk!"

"I'm not "patronizing" you; I'm just saying your totally awesome plan is so amazing. You really spent a lot of time thinking it through, didn't you..."

Navar feels his teeth grinding against each other as his face grows hot with anger. "Why you!"

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