Chapter 18: The X Bandits Revealed! The Fearsome Race Of Goblins!

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Shinjiro and the entries trudge through the snow, passing the giant Red X marked in the landscape. Suddenly, the high-pitched beep of blasters charging emanates from behind a building, and a group of creatures with long pointy green ears and green skin, known as Goblins, appear. "Hey, who goes there!?" says one of them.

The goblins recognize that the distinct structure of their armor is Ozanian style, so they aim their 885 Millimeter Black Rifles, known as Ion Rifles, at them. "Ozanian Warriors, you guys can't move past this territory. It belongs to the X Bandits!"

Shinjiro strides toward them, the sound of his Claymore being drawn from its sword slot on his back ringing out through the air. "So, you guys are the bandits endangering this village, right?"

The Goblin bandits' ion rifles crackle with energy as they charge them and aim them at Shinjiro. "One more move, and you die!" Despite the threat, Shinjiro continues forward, his body tense and determined.

"Alright, shoot them!" The goblin bandits shoot out a flurry of green Ion energy, the beams searing the air as they fly toward the Ozanians.

Denkei leaps to the front and draws a line through the snow. "I conjure the forces of protection! Magic Spell Alchemy: Wall of Defense!" The diaphanous iron wall, stretching high above the drawn line, muffles the sound of the blast bolts as they cannot penetrate through the defense.

"What should we do?" asks Juyon.

"I'll take care of them; just make sure no Goblins get behind me," said Shinjiro. Shinjiro leaps over the wall, feeling the wind rushing past him as he dashes toward the bandits. He casts Ice JōKai onto his blade and then uses JōKai Amplification to make himself move faster. His swift movements cause a blur in the air, and then, he appears meters behind the Goblins, who are left dumbfounded as they feel a slight chill graze their skin. "Frost Sword: Tempest Breeze!" Shinjiro sheathes his blade, and then various parts of the Goblin's bodies freeze and shatter, causing them to fall unconscious.

Shinjiro whistles to gather his comrade's attention. "Ok, guys, I got them all. You can come out."

They all walk toward Shinjiro. "Ok, now for a game plan. Denkei, Navar, and Miri, you guys will be with me. Seiju, Nozomi, and Juyon return to the village and take these bandits back with you. While you do that, protect the village from any more invaders and gather information from the Goblins."

"Yes, sir!" says Seiju, Juyon and Nozomi.

"Now, the people who are with me, follow me. We'll figure out who this X is," Shinjiro's group scale the steep incline of the mountains while Juyon, Nozomi, and Seiju make their way back to the village. When they enter the cabin, Juyon, Nozomi, and Seiju subdue the Goblin Bandits with the click of handcuffs.

Juyon rouses them from their slumber then, he gazes at Nozomi. "Can you go into their minds and interrogate them?"

"No, I either have to have their permission to, or I have to go in there forcefully."

"Why can't you just go in there forcefully?" asks Seiju.

"B-because my telepathy isn't strong enough."

"Oh, well, I guess we got to leave it to the big fella," Seiju pats Juyon's shoulder.

One goblin lets out a snide cackle that gathers their attention. "You think we're willing to give up information that easily? We swore to our leader that we would never give information to our enemy, even if it means our death!"

Juyon conjures Hard Terrain JōKai onto his fists. "Seiju, Nozomi, close the windows. I don't want the people to see this," Nozomi closes the cabin windows then, Juyon punches a goblin in the gut repeatedly. Juyon steps back, his knuckles aching from the force of his punches. "Tell me, who is X? And what is he doing on this planet?"

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