Chapter 29: The Second Level Continues! Area Of Gloom!

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Rojo lets out a shrill, terrified scream, a feeling of fear overcoming him as he and the rookies plummet downward. "Ah, we're falling!"

"Everyone, free fall to the middle. I got something that can save us!" Denkei shuffles in his Mage robes, the fabric rustling, as he pulls out a small red cloth. Denkei taps the cloth with his Mage Stick. "Magic Spell Alchemy: Size Alteration!" Denkei's spell causes the red cloth to increase in size until it floats above everyone, the material swaying in the air. "Hurry guys! Grab on!"

Everyone holds onto the huge fabric, which creates enough resistance to slow their descent until they touch the ground. Rojo's chest expands as he releases a long, calming sigh. "Phew, I thought we were goners."

Juyon scans the area, his eyes darting around the terrain in search of a clue that they had changed levels. "Is it possible with this fall, we've gone to level 3?" asks Juyon.

Pikati uses Farsight to glance ahead. "No, nothing shows we have changed levels."

"Are there any incoming enemies?"

"No, we're clear for now."

"Good, I'm exhausted from that fall. Can we take a break?" asks Jax.

"Agreed. We could use some time to recuperate," says Miri.

"Alright, well, I say we take a thirty-minute break and continue."

Everyone takes a seat on the hard, beige-colored brick, feeling the tension from their near-death experience subside. Nozomi fiddles with her thumbs as she shifts the food bag around the circle, her eyes darting around the group. "D-do you guys want some more food?"

"Sure! Thank you, Nozomi!" says Navar. Nozomi distributes the plates of food to the group, and they each consume food.

Jax rises to his feet, the dust clouding around him as he checks his watch to see that thirty minutes have passed. "Alright, you guys, break time's over. Let's get going."

As they roam the halls, Nozomi feels a chill pass through her body, and her ears prick up as she senses something sinister approaching. Astran unsheathes her blade, the sound of steel ringing in the air. "What's the matter? Do you sense enemies?"

"N-no, I'm not reading any enemies, but it's something else..."

Navar looks up from his right shoulder to Pikati. "Pikati, look ahead to see what's wrong."

"Right on it!" Pikati uses Farsight, squinting his eyes to scan the area for any sign of danger. Pikati's eyes widen at the sight of thundering, foaming water barreling toward them. "Oh no, this isn't good!"

"What's going on!?"

"There's a ton of water coming toward us, and it's flooding!" Suddenly, they feel the water rising beneath their feet, the gentle lapping of the waves echoing in the silence.

"Let's book it!" says Jax. The rookies dash ahead and come to a halt at a four-way intersection, the surrounding air filled with heavy panting. "Maybe one of these hallways is a safe detour for us to get out of here!"

Suddenly, wild waters gush from the intersection in every direction. Miri's eyes widen as she sees the rush of water coming toward them. "Oh, shit..."

Seiju groans, and his body slumps in resignation. "Oh, you've gotta be kidding me! How are we going to get out of this?"

All Around them, the floodwaters continue to rise, the water level now reaching their shins and the atmosphere becoming more and more desperate. Astran unsheathes her blade, running to a wall and slashing at it, pieces of plaster and debris falling as small holes form. "Come on! Let's try hitting the walls!"

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