Chapter 26: The Infiltration Begins! The Dangerous First Level

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As they enter the base, the group encounters a chaotic onslaught of blast bolts from Goblin soldiers. "There they are. Eliminate the intruders!" A flood of green electricity arcs across the hallway, the powerful hum echoing in their ears.

Denkei slips his hand into his robe and retrieves a tiny, delicate plant with several small stems. Denkei waves his magic stick over the plant, and it balloons up tenfold. "Magic Spell Alchemy: Size Alteration!" The stems expand, and the goblin and elf soldiers are pinned against the wall by the lime-green plant stems stretching toward them like claws. "They won't be able to attack us anymore. Let's go."

They continue their pace, their pounding footsteps reverberating around the base until they stop in front of a grand beige-colored stone door. Navar trudges to the door, his feet sliding against the sturdy surface of the base terrain as he struggles to open it. "Ugh, why can't I open this damn thing?!"

"Don't even bother trying to open it. You need up-to-date Goblin DNA, the password, or an incredible force to break in," says Pikati.

"Allow me," Juyon conjures Hard Terrain JōKai onto his fists and walks forward. Juyon punches the beige door, a dust cloud forming and the bricks and the debris scattering throughout the area as he bursts through.

As soon as they burst through the door, a barrage of Ion shots whizzes past them. Denkei grips his Mage Stick and drags it across the floor, creating a white line that shines in the light. "Magic Spell Alchemy: Barrier Wall!" Denkei's wall emerges from the floor, stopping the ion blast bolts in their tracks.

As they stand hidden behind the wall, Pikati uses Farsight to get a clear view of their enemies and the weaponry they possess. "There's a pretty good amount of soldiers over this wall. Luckily, they don't have enough firepower to take this thing down."

Miri flicks her gaze over to Pikati. "Do you think Navar, Astran, Seiju, Juyon, and I can take them all on by leaving this wall?"

"You can, but it'll be risky since they outnumber you guys."

Navar's lips curl into a triumphant smile as he draws his sword from its sheathe. "Then it's a risk we'll take," With a single bound, Navar, Miri, Astran, Seiju, and Juyon jump over the wall, feeling the rush of adrenaline as they charge toward the Goblins. Navar and Astran spring forward, and a surge of energy courses through them as they coat themselves in JōKai Amplification.

"Ursa Impact!"

"Okayasu Blade: Okayasu Parry!"

Navar and Astran swing their blades with precision, the sharp clang of metal against ion blasts ringing in the air as the deflected blast bolts clear out the horde of Goblin soldiers.

After Navar and Astran's counterattack, Miri slides two daggers in her wrist slots and casts a sideways glance toward Seiju. "I'm going to get a horde of them. Can you cover me?"

"Sure," Seiju materializes two blazing arrows with Flame JōKai and feels the bowstring's tension as he pulls it back.

Miri sprints toward the goblins and elves, the wind rustling her hair as she runs rapidly. She coats her body with JōKai Amplification and springs forward, her daggers poised in a thrusting motion. "Two Daggers: Pouncing Strike!" Miri's daggers slice through the air with a sharp hiss, cutting down Goblin and Elf Soldiers in their wake.

"Flame Bow: Double Flame Shot!" Seiju releases his bowstring, and the arrows fly forward, leaving a trail of flames which engulf the Goblin and Elf soldiers.

With only a few enemies left, Juyon and Astran square off against the rest of them, ready to battle. Juyon summons Hard Terrain JōKai to his fists, the hard rock enveloping his hands as he throws a thunderous left hook at the group of enemies, sending a shockwave of power through them with one strike. "Bellowing Bison!"

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