Chapter 24: The Conquest Of Molorx Begins! The Treacherous Forests!

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The rookies begin their journey, the sun filtering through the canopy of trees above them. "Be on your guard, guys. There's no telling when enemies will come after us," says Juyon.

As they keep up their steady pace, Miri becomes curious about their destination. "Do we have any set destination, or are we just walking until something happens?"

"I think we should just wait for enemies to come to us. They're likely aware of our presence, and they're bound to come even if the cloaking device allowed us to bypass the planetary defense system. Once they come, we can beat up a few soldiers and gather intel about where this base is," says Astran.

Later in the day, the sun sets, the surrounding air grows colder, and the crepuscular darkness settles in. "Aw, man! We don't even have any light!" says Seiju.

Denkei grasps his Mage Stick, feeling the grooves of the wood as he slides it out of the back of his robe. "Relax, you don't have to whine anymore. Magic Spell Alchemy: Stick Illumination!" Denkei's magic stick glows, casting its light forward and guiding them down the path.

"Wow, that's so cool!" says Navar. As they continue their journey, they come across a circle of trees, the delicate green bushes swaying in the breeze. "Alright, guys, this looks like a good restin' spot. Let's stop here for the night," said Jax.

Astran shivers as she rubs her arms, feeling the cold weather seep through her skin, forming goosebumps. "Don't you think we should get some wood for a campfire? It's getting cold."

"Yeah, I'll go get some," Juyon makes his way down the pathway, the leaves crunching underfoot as he walks.

"Wait for me, Juyon. I'm right behind ya!" Navar follows Juyon into the forest, the towering trees looming overhead and casting long shadows.

Juyon and Navar collect the wood from the forest and stack it in the center of the circle of trees. Seiju pulls his bowstring back, feeling the tension as a tiny spark of Flame JōKai dances on its tip. "Watch out. I'll light the fire," Seiju releases the bowstring, sending a slight trace of fire toward the wood and creating a fire for illumination.

"We can't just have everyone sleep here in the middle of nowhere. How are we going to cycle who keeps watch?" asks Juyon.

"I suggest we have a cycle where two people keep watch for two hours and one of us at the end for two hours. That way, everyone gets eight hours of sleep," says Jax.

"So, who's going to partner with who?" asks Miri.

"Navar and Miri, Rojo and I, Astran and Nozomi, Seiju, and Denkei, then Juyon in that order.

"When do we start this watch?"

"You can start now."

"Alright, Navar, let's climb up into that tree," Navar and Miri start their watch, the branches swaying beneath them as they scramble up the tree.

After 10 hours elapse, Juyon descends from the tree, giving everyone a gentle nudge to wake them. "It's been 10 hours. Wake up."

After taking a few moments to clear their heads, they continue on their way. Midway through their journey, Nozomi's ears perk up in alert as she senses a presence ahead. She places her fingers on her head, opening a Mental Link to everyone. "Something's coming,"

Juyon clenches his fists and summons Hard Terrain JōKai on his fists, readying himself for battle. "Everyone, get ready!"

Suddenly, a large, green-furred beast with piercing red eyes, black, swirled pupils, and four hind legs appears from the trees, growling a feral roar. This beast is known as a Class 2 Beast: Terrax Type.

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