Chapter 27: A Sticky Situation! Goblin Ambush!

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Denkei's hands tremble as he counts the rows of Goblin and Elf soldiers that stretch as far as the eye can see. "This is a lot more than anything we faced earlier,"

Navar glances at Denkei, his expression full of reassurance. "Don't worry. It'll be okay."

Rojo leaps out of the way of the Ion bullet, a snarl of fury on his face as he locks eyes with Navar. "Of course, you'd say that since you started this whole thing!"

Seiju feels the tension in his arms as he pulls the string back, hearing the twang of the bow as two Flame JōKai arrows manifest onto it. "I guess sitting here getting mad won't get us out of this shit," Seiju releases the string, the two blazing arrows incinerating an approaching horde of enemies. "Flame Bow: Double Flame Shot!"

Denkei grasps his Mage stick and senses the heat of Seiju's attack on his skin, inflicting an idea upon him. "With this cold air in the room and the attack from Seiju causing the floor to heat a bit, I can create a couple of Mirages, which can create multiple forts to stymie the blasts," Denkei slams his Mage Stick into the ground, causing him to be surrounded by a multitude of Mirages of himself. "Magic Spell Alchemy: Multiple Barrier Walls!" Denkei's mirages use their mage sticks to trace intricate lines on the stone floor, summoning several walls to protect their allies from the relentless bombardment of ion blast bolts.

"All right! Nice job, Denkei!" says Navar.

Denkei collapses to the ground, his body heavy after performing the taxing magic spell. "I'm all out of JōKai right now. Can you guys handle this?"

"Of course!" says Navar

Pikati nudges Navar's shoulder, beckoning him to glance at him. "Navar, let me down so I can see enemies on the other side of the wall."

"Got it," Navar releases Pikati off his shoulder and, with a tremendous bound, sails over the wall and sprints toward the Goblins. Navar coats his body with JōKai Amplification to increase his speed, and with a powerful slash, he sends a horde of Goblins scattering. "Okayasu Blade: Brave Man's Slash!"

Miri, Astran, and Juyon spur into action after Navar's attack, taking advantage of the opening it had left.

Miri places two daggers in her ankle slots, then jumps on her hands, her legs twirling like a cyclone toward a group of soldiers. "Two Daggers Leg Variant: Fernir's Wrath!"

Astran coats her body in JōKai Amplification, and her sword cuts through the air with a sharp hiss. "Astraeus Disturbance!"

Juyon races toward the group of soldiers, his arms a blur of motion from JōKai Amplification. His arms move so fast that the air whistles around them, creating the illusion of multiple arms. "Mandruk Barrage!" Juyon furiously attacks the goblin and elf soldiers with a flurry of punches, eliminating the remaining enemies.

Navar wipes the sweat from his forehead with the back of his hand and chuckles. "Wow, that went by a lot easier than I thought.

As they stand together behind the barrier, Jax looks at Pikati. "Hey, Pikati, see if any more enemies are coming."

"Got it," Pikati uses Farsight to look ahead and sees a beast with black eyes that shimmer in the light, its fur a fiery orange, and claws glinting like emeralds, sprinting towards them, running on two legs. This beast is known as a Class 2 Beast: Leibus Type. "Uh, oh, a Class 2 Beast is coming toward us!"

Seiju thrashes around in frustration, his groans echoing through the air. "Oh, you've gotta be kidding me. I'm getting sick of these things."

"Hey guys, remember one thing: their weakness is a spot slightly above the neck. If you hit that, all their limbs will be disabled for a long time," says Pikati.

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