His Favorite Nickname for You

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Thomas-JoJo, when you came into the Maze and didn't remember your name, Thomas said you looked like a JoJo. Ever since, that has been your nickname around the Glade, although you never minded.

Newt-Love, he loves to call you love because it makes you blush and he will kiss your warm cheek and whisper love over and over in your ear until you start to laugh so hard you snort. Then he begins to laugh, too.

Mihno-Babe, he is always been a flirtatious kinda boyfriend and loves to call you that because it makes you irritated. He will yell it when he gets back to the Glade from a day of running. You will roll your eyes and walk over where he engulfs you in a big sweaty hug.

Gally-Sailor, when you came into the Glade, he tried to impress you by getting all the Gladers to call him Caption Gally. You would laugh and when you two started dating, the Gladers called you sailor. You where always up for it, thinking it was cute but Gally would frown until he saw the large smile plastered on your face.

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