Your Job In The Glade

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Thomas-Trackhoe, you like to garden because it gives you something to do when he is gone. You love working with your best friend, Newt, all day talking about silly stuff.

Newt-Medjack, you wanted to be a runner when you first came to the Glade but when you heard about Newt's...accident in the Maze and fear of the Maze, you settled for the next best job, Medjack. You love caring for the boys.

Mihno-Runner, he loves having you with him in the Maze. Always looking after you and teasing you about how you run and walk. But he always loves giving you sweaty hugs and you not complaining because your sweaty too!

Gally-Cook, you love making the boys food and Gally always comes in to see you and you two get into small food fights until Frypan comes in and yells at you both to clean it up.

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