Newt Imagine

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This was requested by @love_is_real182. She requested that I do a different girls name and gave me a few to pick from. I went with Ashley because it's my aunties name! Haha was a gorgeous idea and thank you for requesting! Sorry it took so long!!!!

I come up in the box a few weeks ago. Believe me, I hated every second in this hell hole. But, that was before I met Newt.

Second in command. Brown puppy dog eyes and golden brown locks shagging over his forehead. His sweet little words and adorable little quirks sent me tumbling in love with him. Apparently, under I don't know what spell, he loved me back.

Ever since the third day, we have been dating. I have not had such a problem with the Glade anymore.

Everything I do with Newt makes me a happier person. That's what the boys say any way. My best friends, Mihno, Thomas, Chuck and Teresa all say I make Newt much happier too.

I know about his...accident and I am thankful he thinks I am one of the things that can make him happy.

Well, if you think about it, why wouldn't he be happy. With all the cuddles and the kisses and the late night sneaking out into the Deadheads, why wouldn't he be happy. Oh yeah, I remember. Because we are trapped in a shucking maze!

There's a time to be happy and a time to be stressed. Unfortunately, a maze is not an ideal place to frolic on rainbows with unicorns. It's a place to worry and dread and sometimes...slip into dark depression. Sadly, that's what happened to my Newtie.

It was starting to affect him again.

"Go away Ashley!" He yells at me stomping into homestead, me following on his heels.

"Not until we talk!" I say, aggravation accidentally lacing through my voice and my calm temper slipping away.

"I am fine! Just get off my back!"

"No, Newt! I am your girlfriend! I have a right to know what your problem is!" I shout back. He whirls around, his face close to mine but not in the way it usually is. He is angry and stressed and I can tell. He reaches up after a while and pushes my hair behind my ear, his inflamed cheeks slowly dying down to a blushed with a ghost anger.
I know Newt very well. I know how his body goes uneasy when he is upset or makes an upsetting decision. His body is now tense and his eyes unsteady. I know what he will say upsetting.

"Maybe...we should take a break then Ash. I need to get my priorities straight. Go on now." He whispers and backs away. As I turn, I thought I saw regret in his eyes. Tears occupied mine.


It's been a week since Newt and I broke up and I was working on pounding a nail in a piece of wood, when my boss, Gally, called me over. I am a builder. With my strong but not too strong builder, there was no other place that I was meant for. Especially since, I hate running, I faint at the sight of blood, and I don't like dead animals. So builder was pretty much the only option. Any way, I trudge my way over to Gally mopping in last depression.

"Ashley, you and I are scheduled to go into the woods and chop down a tree or two for fire wood." He says, examining a clipboard. I nod, sadly.

"Sounds fair enough. Let's go then." I say, eager to get this over. Gally is a great person and all, but, he is a bit too flirtatious. It bothers the klunk outta Newt (or did bother Newt...) knowing I work with a boy who can be so touchy-feely. Sometimes I think it's just his personality, but I am the only one he has this attitude with. That gets me just a tad bit worried.

Anyway, we were walking deeper and deeper into the woods, passing plenty of cut worthy trees. Gally, occasionally glancing at me every few seconds, looks suspicious as he guides me deeper. I let my mind wonder to Newt.

I saw him once today. Messy hair, bloodshot red eyes and his face and body growing more bony. Mihno said Newt and I have both restrained from eating. Alby says if I continue to loss so much weight I will have to stop being a builder from loss of energy. This is miserable and I know if it continues, I will not last long in this glade.

Gally suddenly stops by a medium sized oak and looks at me, grinning widely.

"Ash. You haven't been the same recently. What's the problem, babe?"

Babe? I ignore the thought.

"Just Newt's been on my mind a lot. I miss him a lot." I whimper, dipping my head as tears come into my eyes.

"I can help that..." Gally mumbles and leans in, pinning my to the oak with his hands pushing hard on my shoulders.

"Gally! What the hell are you doing!?" I hiss, in a low panicked voice.

"What I have waiting for." He grins and leans in kissing me hard on the lips.

This isn't right! It's rough and forceful and not Newt! I fight him. Pushing and shoving but he is stronger and I am weak from no food in a long time.

He pulls away for a few seconds to pull off his shirt and I let out a long scream only to have it cut off by his disgusting lips.

"Hey!" A familiar voice screams and Gally is thrown off me. Newt, stands above him, fighting the restrains of Thomas and Mihno on his arms as he longs to beat him more.

"Kiss my girlfriend again and I will kill you shuck!" He screams and I watch, panting. I slide down the tree, tears streaming down my cheeks. His girlfriend.

Newt looks over at me and relaxes. Thomas and Mihno let go and Newt runs over, falling to his knees in front of me.

"Ash." He whispers, tears beginning to fall from his eyes. Capturing my face in his hands, he crashes our lips in a sloppy, passionate, tear-stained kiss. It was one of the best moments, even though both of us let out hard sobs through the kisses. Pulling away for air, we both collapse against each other in a desperate hug, still sobbing.

"Newt." I whimper hugging tighter.

"I love you Ashley. Please don't ever leave again." He sobs pulling me closer.

"I won't." I whisper, catching my breath enough to whisper "I promise.

There we go! It's up! Hope y'all love it!!!

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