Newt Imagine for @Keeks3122

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This is for my bestie in the whole world!! Fellow Thomas Sangster lover. In which I approve of. Although she knows he is mine, I wrote this for you Kiwi!! Enjoy it my lovely, gorgeous best friend!!!

She smiles like the sunshine. Beautiful and breathtaking...until the darkness seeps in. I hate seeing her crying. Or upset. Her perfect lips twisting down in a frown. I hate that with everything I am. Sadly, I see this frown all the time. She thinks it's hopeless. That there is nothing out there. That we are stuck here. I have pledged my whole existence on finding this girl a way out. Everyone thinks it's hopeless too...and I know it is. But I try. For one thing and one thing only. Keelyn.

"Newt! Get your shank butt up!" I hear Mihno yell. I push my body up, my toes touching the cold floor. I slip a shirt over my muscular bare shoulders. I pull my pants on and look back at the lumpy bed. A body, under the covers. A chest, breathing at a steady pace. I smile and brush back her soft hair. A gentle calm face, eyes sealed peacefully shut. I kiss her temple gently, making her stir.

"Newtie?" She asks, drowsiness thickening her voice.

"Yes, beautiful?" I say, my lips still pressed against her temple, gently moving down to her jawline.

"Be carefu-" She is cut off by my lips against hers. She eagerly kisses back. I smile and pull away but leave quick kisses down her neck.

" careful the maze..." She whispers in quick gasps as my soft kisses take her breath. I begin to climb back into our bed. Distractions always pull me off guard, especially when it's Keelyn. I can hear her smiling as she sighs.

"NEWT!!" Mihno calls again. I sigh and pull away, looking  at her breathtaking face.

"I've gotta go now, lovie..." I whisper in her ear, making goosebumps rise on her arms from my warm breath. She giggles and nods. I kiss her once more and leave for the maze.


I sigh as I watch Newt jog out of the door with Mihno, to the maze. I know he has been stressed out recently. Always tense and on edge. I am the only one who can calm him down when he goes into a fury of panic. He knows there's no way out but he always runs the maze.

He says runs for me. I blush at the thought of his kind words.

Reluctantly, I throw the covers off my body and sit up, running a hand through my fluffy blonde hair. I run my face and get up. I pull on one of Newt's shirts and some black Capri pants. I tie all of the extra shirt on the side with a hair tie I pull off of my wrist. I look down at my wtist as the sleeves are pulled up, revealing deep slashes. Yanking down the shirt to hide the scars, I think of my past experiences.

I was the only girl in the maze. I came up third, after Alby and Newt. They where extremely nice to me from the start. But, after thirty or so more boys, the taunting became unbearable. It continues still, but after I found Newt, I could kinda see over all that stuff. For a while at least.

I was wondering around homestead when Gally and his crew surround me. They are so quick and organized, it seems they have done this a million times. Oh wait, they have.

"Hey little shuck. How's our little slinthead." Gally teases. Usually, I can brush this stuff off with a sarcastic laugh and crossing my arms. But today is different. My heart speeds up and my palms begin to sweat. I heave in breaths slowly, trying not to show the boys I am shucking terrified. The circle moves in closer, taunts escaping each mouth at once, but I can hear them all clearly.


"Klunk head girl"

"So shucking ugly." They erupt in mad giggles.

I let our a long held in scream that shuts them up. I burst through the boys and make a run for the maze, tears streaming down my cheeks. I run and run. It's getting dark and I know Newt has gotten back to the maze. I turn and watch the sun slip below the horizon. Then, I begin to climb. Higher and higher up one of the thickly vines stone walls. I reach the limit of my arms and turn to look at the grab. With a small whimper, I prepare to release my grip and my life. That's when I hear it.

"Keelyn, please!!" I look to see the blonde British boy. Tears streak his cheeks and glisten in the darkness of the eerie maze. "Don't do it love. Please." My hands shake as I realize I am crying too. How could I do this? I can't leave Newt. He is my everything. He can help me through all of this. Hesitantly, I begin climbing down.

That's when my foot slips. And I am plummeting towards the ground, the dark sky looking down on me.


Newt finishes his story with tears going down his cheeks. He wipes them and sniffs and looks at the greenie. Thomas's brown eyes stare wide up at him.

"Now ya know greenie. There was a girl. The most bloody gorgeous girl there ever was." He lets out a stifled laugh thinking of his past lover. "That night she died in my arms. She whisper s-she was sorry and that it was an accident. And she...she said she loved me. That wasn't exactly the ideal place for the first I love you's." His sadness takes a turn into a dark face again.

"So, that Tommy, is how I gained my limp." He whispers, pain and sadness hiding behind his dark, cold, grieving eyes

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