When You're Sick

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Thomas- I sit, miserably by the toilet in the bathroom. I hang my head in and throw up once more.

After dry gagging for about fifteen minutes, I lean back against the wall and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand. My face and neck are drenched in a cold sweat and my stomach is turning still.

Pushing my hair away from my face, I lean forward and vomit into the toilet once again. As I regain my bearings, there is a knock on the door.

"Y/N? Sweetie? You okay?" Tommy asks, concern lacing his voice.

"No" I answer, my voice cracking. The door opens and Tommy walks in.

I look up at him. "Babe you look terrible." He states. I go to make a sarcastic remark back but I go pale and lean towards the toilet again. Tom holds my hair back as I puke anything up that may have had been in my stomach still. I begin to feel a bit better.

I lean back against Thomas's legs and catch my breath. He runs his fingers through my sweaty hair and kisses my forehead.

"Cupcake. You should go. I am gonna get you sick." I shift and collapse in a pile on the wall, leaning my cheek against the cool flooring. Exhausted, I close my eyes and wait for the next round of sickness to come over me and suck my strength away once again.

Instead, he lifts my head, setting it in his lap and strokes my hair.

"No way in shuck am I leaving sweetie. I am gonna stay right here with you." He whispers in my ear, softly. For once, I shut my eyes and they stay shut as I drift off to sleep, Thomas still stroking my hair gently and soothing.

Newt- I bring my arm up to cover my mouth as a wave of violent coughing racks my body. Thomas, who sits on the counter behind me, sighs.

"Y/N. I'm gonna call Newt in here." He threatens, jumping down off the counter. I sniff and begin to cough, again.

"No...Tom. I'm *cough, cough* okay. I'm the *cough, sneeze* Med-Jack for shucks sake." I speak, hearing my voice I know I am much worse. I should take a day off but I need to work. I felt under the weather for a couple of days now. I never bothered Newt with it because I know he would worry too much.

But, today it's been worse. Coughing every two seconds, a terribly pounding headache and I am running a tremendous fever.

"Screw it, Y/N. I'm getting Newtie Cutie." He runs out, not waiting for an argument from me. I lean against the counter, coughing again.

"In five...four....three...two..."

"Love!?!" The door swings open to a panicking British boy. I look up.

"Shhhhhh Newt. I have a headache." I whisper and lean my forehead on the counter.

"Oh baby...I'm so sorry. You're sick. I should have kept you in bed!" He sounds as if he may cry. I look back at him as he walks over. I stand up straight and sigh. Newt comes over and rubs my shoulders, kissing behind my ear as he does so. I relax and he smiles against my skin. Suddenly, I am picked up. The blonde haired Brit carries me to homestead, up to our room. He lays me on the bed and tucks me in, like a child. He grins and kisses my forehead and turns to leave.

"Newtie?" I ask

"Yes, lovie." He whispers, turning.

"If I am gonna be in here all day because of you, you're staying with me." I say, grinning. He sighs and runs down the stairs. A few moments later, he comes back up.

"Alby says I have the day off!" He says a little too loud for my liking, I wince and his face goes from excitement to concern instantly.

"Oh...love..." He whines and walks over to our bed, sliding in under the covers next to me. Slithering his arms around my waist tightly, he stares into my exhausted eyes. I smile a bit.

"Newtie Cutie...I'm gonna get you sick." I whisper gently brushing his floppy blonde hair back behind his ear. He grins, his eyes slowly closing.

"At this moment, I don't even care. I love you, Y/N. In sickness and in heath, right."

"Mmhmm...I love you too Newtie..." I murmur, closing my eyes. He strokes my hair gently. I cuddle closer, slipping deeper with exhaustion. I feel Newt's arms tighten and his soft breaths against my ear. I have a feeling I may be a little bit more happy about illness if Newt is with me.

Mihno- I sniff and blow my nose again. Reluctantly, I throw the covers off of myself and instantly regret it. Pulling on one of Mihno's sweatshirts, I march down to Alby. I find him leaning on the homestead wall, enjoying the morning sunrise.

"Hey Alby." I say and sniff. He looks at me.

"Y/N you look....you look, well, really bad." He says stepping back a bit. I sniff again.

"I have a cold shuckface. Can I take the day off? I can't breath, much less run." I say, sneezing. He nods and sighs.

"Yeah...just keep away from me...I can't get sick." I nod and turn.

I trudge up the stairs and slip back under the covers, closing my eyes. I get in a couple minutes of rest before the door swings open.

"Babeeeeee!!" Mihno calls, marching in. "Get up!! We have a long day of work ahead of us"

He rips back the covers, my body heat escaping without the warm blanket. I death glare at Mihno as I begin to shiver violently.

"Give me the blanket, Mihno. Now. Alby says I could have the day off. I'm not feeling well."

He pouts and throws the blanket back at me. I sigh happily and cuddle back down.

"No fair! If you're playing hooky I get to too!" After a fake cough, Mihno bound out of the room to Alby.

Returning moments later, he pulls off his shirt and shoes and climbs into my bed and faces me, grinning.

"I'm off duty!" He says and smirks. Rolling my eyes, I slip my arms around his ribs. He grins and holds me tighter, rubbing my back softly.

"I would never let my little runner have a sick day without me bothering her, now would I." He whispers kissing my head.

Sighing, I cuddle closer to Mihno, shutting my exhausted eyes for some much needed sleep.

"Shh up now Mihno....I am tired." I whisper. I fall asleep to his hands rubbing my back and his lips pressed against my head.

Gally- I stand in the kitchen, watching as the world spins and tilts. My hands shoot out bracing myself on the counter as my vision gets black spots.

"Y/N...you don't look too good." Frypan says and hesitantly steps towards me.

"I...I think I'm gonna pass out." I mumble and stumble out. I knew I had the flu since I got up. Achy body, dizziness, the feeling that I may pass out. Frypan, who slowly walks behind me, makes sure I get out of his kitchen okay.

I sit on a log for a few minutes, staring at the wall and swallowing down a harsh dry throat. I look over a bit with dead sunken eyes to see Gally rushing towards me.

"Y/N? Frypan told me you didn't feel so well..." Weakly, I look up at Gally, concern paints his face.

"No....No I'm not feeling that well..." I say and hang my head once again, staring at the blurry grass. Suddenly, I am being lifted off the ground. Normally, I hate when Gally carries me because it makes me look weak. But right now, no matter how much I try not to be, I am extremely weak. I let Gally carry me to my hammock, laying me down slowly. I cuddle up and moan in pain as the aches rack my body once more. Gally slides in beside me. I manage a small chuckle. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me tight against him.

"Get better, my little sailor. I love you." He whispers and I close my eyes, knowing I will be okay now that Gally is beside me.

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