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Sup shanks!!! Haven't been on in quite a long time!!! Been busy with school and klunk like that!!! Anyway!! Has anybody else seen The Scorch Trials!!! Saw it the day it came out with my best friend @Wayward_Shank aka my sister Lauren!!! She and I had a fabulous time! Oh my Thomas Brodie Sangster it's so so so good!!!! Very very different from the book and probably the worst cliffhanger ending ever...but I've gotta say...I may love it more than the book. Sorry James but TEAM WES!!!! Yeah well I will try to update more often but have been busy with school! My science teacher loves The Maze Runner series and Teen Wolf!! So she's awesome!! Oh well...see ya shanks when I update again!! Requests are open!!!!
Your shank,
Maisy Sangster!!!


I think TBS was very very cute as a crank at the party...he scared me and made me cry seeing him like that but...that boy can literally pull off anything!!! Lol I didn't like when Brenda kissed Thomas....but I did think that it was adorable when Thomas imagined Teresa...the cranks expectations where fully satisfying!! I hated that Winston turned into one and NEWT gave him the gun....no page 250 inferring at all :-( !! He even goes "Please Newt....please..." I cried....
The pic above is Thomas Sangster (Newt), Ki Hong Lee (Mihno), Dexter Darben (Frypan), and Alex Flores (Winston) as cranks!! Love it!!

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