Favorite Thing To Do With Him

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Thomas-Listen to music. You two will both sing and dance. You will always laugh at his attempt to twerk just to get you to show him the right way and you both end up on the floor laughing while the music still plays.

Newt-Play hide and go seek. It's a kid game and you both know it but he makes it romantic by finding you and kissing you all over the face making you laugh. You will chase him around and jump on his back screaming and Hillary, making the other Gladers roll their eyes. You both end up rolling around laughing. After you both gain sanity...time for another round...

Mihno-Run. You guys will run out into the Maze and laugh and just talk. In a confined Glade, you both need a release, what better place to escape than the Maze together. You laugh about dumb things and make jokes and scream at the creators then laugh more. And when it's time to go back to the Glade you race each other to the Map Room. The winner kisses the loser.

Gally-Pull pranks. You will run around pranking everyone. The gemstone was on Gally by you when the whole Glade convinced him Thomas got you pregnant. Gally's face was so red and he was so mad. You still tease him about it.

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