Newt Imagine for @WolfPrincess09

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I wake in what seems to be a box. A low growl comes from besides me. I look over and see a wolf. I am not startled by her presence. I merely reach out my hand and stroke its soft black fur. I know she will protect me and I her. I look up at where the box is heading. It is going towards some sorta red light at the top. When we reach the top, the box opens to bright, blinding light. I shield my eyes and I feel the box move as it gains weight. I look up to see a tall dirty blonde haired boy. He is quite handsome with his dream dark brown eyes and his warm smile. I look at him and his eyes are calming and sweet. I like this boy. He looks at me and then to the wolf and backs up a step.

"Hey there, love. Names Newt." His voice is laced with a deep British accent. I smile a bit and stand a little taller.

"You remember your name yet?" He asks and I scan my limited memory for a name nothing comes to my mind. I shake my head and he smiles but his eyes always slip uneasily to the dark shadows, who's green eyes glow and lock on him every time he makes a move, ready to attack if needed.

"That's fine, you will get it back in a day or two." He says with a kind smile. He steps toward me and a low growl rips from the wolf's throat. He jumps in fright and I walk towards him instead, the wolf following close behind me. I smile at Newt and he helps me outta the box. I see a lot of boys. They all jump back as the wolf hops out along with Newt. A man speaks from the crowd.

"Welcome to the Glade."


It's been a week since I have arrived in the Glade. I hate it here. I get bullied from the boys, since I am the first girl, but having a protective wolf by my side doesn't help the situation. I get called freak and mistake. I get told that the Creators sent Mr up here because they didn't wanna see my ugly face. (Btw, Wolf you aren't ugly, you're beautiful, I am just putting this in here cuz it's the first thing I thought just wanna get that clear!) Every boy in the Glade tells me these things, other than one. Newt. He doesn't particularly talk to me. But he isn't a jerk like all the other boys.

One day, I can't take it any longer and I snap.

Mihno, Gally, Frypan, and Thomas all stand around me in a circle, blocking my exits.

"Where you going you worthless piece of klunk." Mihno calls and the other boys laugh.

"Yeah, you freak!" Gally calls and I snap.

"Attack." I speak to the wolf in a calm tone and the boy's stupid smiles vanish and they ruin. But before Gally can get far, my wolf grabs him and bites his arm, hard. I instantly regret telling my wolf to attack. Blood flows down his fingertips from the wound that the wolf still has her teeth sink into. I whistle and she releases and walks back to my side blood dripping from her fangs. I close my eyes.

"That didn't just happen." I tell myself. But it did and soon I sit in the slammer, the wolf by my side, as always. She has sympathy for me in her eyes. I stare into the green orbs for a while. Something scratches at the back of my brain. My name. I can't think of it at the moment but it is right there. Itching to get out. I don't know when I started crying, all I know is the darkness of the shadowed slammer is too much. I lay and curl into a ball, using the wolf as a pillow, and fall asleep.

The sun is going down when I open my eyes to racket. A Gladers, Alby, stands in the doorway.

"Come on. Your banishment is taking place." For one second, I could sense some sympathy. He sighs.

"Listen here, greenie. I will make you a deal. Survive a week in the maze, I will let you back in to start off. There is a Gladers here, that is crushed because you are leaving. Survive, I will let you come back with a new slate. This isn't for you though...the poor boy has been through so much and I have never seen him happier than when he is talking about you. So survive. For him." He says and I nod, looking down. I do wanna survive. For myself. Not the boy. It's probably just a random Glader and I don't like any of them. it can't be him. He wouldn't like me. I am the freak. He wouldn't like a freak. Would he. Could he.

Alby takes my arm and drags me to the doors, the wolf following me. We get to the doors and go through the banishment. Most Gladers have smirks on their faces. Even Gally is there to bid me bon voyage. The only person I don't see is Newt. And as the doors shut, I fit the pieces. Newt is the Glader who Alby was talking about.

Newt likes me.


The past six days have been miserable. Fighting like hell to get back to the Glade. Back to Newt. Tomorrow I would have done it. Done things no one would expect. I get to go back tomorrow. Sadly, my wolf disappeared the fourth day. She fought though. I never saw where she went. We split up to avoid a Griever and she disappeared.

I am thinking about her when suddenly, a loud sound comes from above. I look up and see something like a hovercraft. On instincts, I run but it picks me up. Soon something is stuck in my back and I am out like a light.


I wake to a bright light and I can't move. People in white lab coats work on me, brushing out matted hair and cleaning my bloody face. I feel my limp head being picked up and something cold goes around my neck. I use all my left energy to turn my head and see a familiar wolf. A tag around her neck reads ocean. I smile a bit, then a comes a pinch and everything goes black.


When I once again come to, I have much more energy and I am not paralyzed. I look up to see beautiful brown eyes lock on mine. He calls out a name and I know it belongs to me.

"Wolf!" He says and pulls me into a tight hug. I knew my suspicions where correct. Newt likes me.

I smile and hug back. "Hey Newt." He pulls away and kisses me gently. I kiss back, smiling. He pulls away after a while and I smirk.

"You where the Glader who likes me, aren't you." I ask, grinning.

He looks down, his cheeks going red. "Love, actually"

I smile and kiss him again. I have a feeling I will like the Glade much more from now on.

There you are @WolfPrincess09 sorry it took so long! I enjoyed writing it very much!!!

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