Your Secret Talent

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Thomas- You dance. Your a great dancer and always dance anywhere you go. The boys even requested a radio for you and your random dance party's that get the whole Glade dancing. But you are always the main event when you step on to the dance floor.

Newt- You sing. You may be working when a tune will slip into your mind and you will begin to sing. Newt loves to sit and watch you sing. He loves the way your voice is calming to him. After a stressful day you sing to Newt and relax him. He knows you're always near when he hears you singing.

Mihno- You draw. You don't know where it came from but you are extremely artistic. You graffiti the walls with interesting pictures. The boys always know where you've been because you leave your own interesting path. Sometimes you just sit and draw whatever your looking at. But, Mihno is always the star of your drawings.

Gally- You cook. You're a cook with Frypan, but what he doesn't know is your better then Frypan. Your a wiz when it comes to fajitas and quesadillas. You and Gally will sneak out in the middle of the night and cook everything in the kitchen until a very angry Frypan catches you in his kitchen. Then you're not a cook anymore, You're a runner!

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