Mihno Imagine for @Highway_To_Sammy

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This one goes to my beautiful, Mihno loving best friend Baylee Mae!!! She may be a jerk sometimes but I love her lol!!!

She is gorgeous. The way she walks like she owns the whole shucking glade! She is extremely sassy. That's the kinda girls I like. Love. She catches my eyes and doesn't look away. I smile and she grins and I let myself call her name.

"Baylee!" I call and she laughs. I walk towards her as she leans against the homestead wall. I lean against a tree with my forearm and wink at her.

"What up girl." She laughs and rolls her eyes.

"Mihno....what corny pick up lines do you have for me today." She flips back her long brown hair and crosses her arms over her chest.

"Do you have a bandaid...I scraped my knee falling for you." I say and pull a dazzling smile.

She laughs and rolls her eyes. "Why don't you take your 1970 pick up lines, climb to the top of the Empire State Building, beat on your big ol' monkey chest and jump off. Exsqueeze me..." she says and pushes past me walking with extreme sass. I think I drooled as I follow her like a lost puppy. She walks into the homestead and Thomas and Newt smiling at her and she returns the smile, sitting with her friends. I slide into the seat across her.

"Baylee please...one date." I whine and the blonde British boy speaks up.

"Baylee...I have never seen Mihno beg like this." He says, his eyes laughing but his face extremely straight. Thomas pitches in.

"Yeah Bay. Go on the date before you kill the shank!" They laugh and my eyes lock on hers as hers look into mine. I can see the gears in her head turning as she ponders over her thoughts.

She finally gives in. "Fine...one date." She says with a long lasting sigh. I grin and kiss her cheek before running into the maze, happily.

Baylee's POV

I can't believe I just did that. Agree to go on a date with Mihno. I look at Newt who is inhaling his breakfast of eggs and bacon. I look at Thomas who stares off like the confused shank he is. In the one year I have been here, no one captures my eye like Mihno does. With his perfect hair and buff arms and charming eyes. I sigh happily and look off. I would what he is gonna do for our date.

Time skip

It's almost time for the date. Mihno told me to meet him at the top of the Look out tower for the, and I quote "night of my life". He is so shucking adorable. I put on lip gloss and mascara and walk out. I am dressed in my causal of a grey shirt with buttons on the top and black jeans which tuck into combat boots. Nothing special. I walk to the look out tower where Chuck meets me at the bottom. A white towel draped over his arm and his hair slick. I laugh.

"Right this way Madame." He says and motions for the latter. I sarcastically now and climb up the ladder. I reach the top and see Mihno standing there smacking at Newt's hands as he tries placing Mihno's hair in a correct order. I laugh and the boys turn, Newt's hands falling back in defeat. Mihno smirks and takes my hand and leads me over to a plaid picnic blanket that has been set out.

"Well, I should be going." Newt says as he walks backwards and smiles.

"Bye mama Newt." Mihno says and Newt glares.

"I thought, we agreed you wouldn't call me that." He growls and Mihno and I bust up. A very angry mama Newt storms down the ladder. I smile and Mihno sits down on the blanket across from me. I watch him as he pulls the lids open on the woven picnic basket. He pulls out a ham sandwich and fruits and champagne. I laugh.

"Fancy, eih."

He smirks and pops open the glowing green bottle of the fizzy drink. "Only the best for, my lady." I scoff sarcastically and roll my eyes. We eat and then sit and talk as we sip champagne. He suddenly goes serious, not the funny Mihno he was a few seconds ago.

"Baylee...I brought you up here...because, I wanna admit I like you...a lot..." He says and looks into my dark brown eyes.

"No duh, Min. I kinda got that with all the corney pick up lines." I say, shrugging.

"No...I mean like, more than a crush. I love you." He says and gently presses our lips together. I kiss back, closing my eyes. He pulls away after a long while of kissing and smiles. I smile back. He gently taps our glasses of champagne together and whispers.

"Here's to a new us, Baylee Mae."

Kk there you are my beautiful bestie!!!! Hope you absolutely loved it!! Sorry it was so long :-D
Love ya, Baylee Mae!!!

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