Newt Imagine for @Maze_Newt

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"Love!!" Newt calls for me. I turn, my face full of great emotional pain. He runs to me. I smile when I see him. My life here has never been that good. I know what I am going to do tomorrow and I know how Newt will feel. All the Gladers hate me here. Gally hits me and Alby says nothing about it. Newt runs up and I forget to cover up the sadness in my eyes.

"Lauren. What's wrong."  He whispers when he is close to me. He brushes the hair out of my blue eyes. I look down and he lifts my chin. "Babe. Please tell me." He whispers. His dark brown orbs of eyes convince the tears to fall. He knows I never show my emotions so this really worried him. I swipe them away quickly from my cheeks. His eyes are filled with concern and something...familiar. I open my mouth to speak.

"Newt...I just want you to much you me...I love you so much." I whisper and he hugs me tightly. I break down in his arms. He holds me as I sob, stroking my short dirty blonde hair.

"Lauren. I love you too...what's happening. You never act like this...are you thinking of..." he drifts off because he knows he is right. His arms tighten and I feel his whole body shaking, a tell tale sign that he is sobbing silently. I almost rethink what I will do, but then I think of all the other pain. I know I have to...

That nite we spend the whole night holding each other. We took blankets out to the Deadheads and had a small picnic for or last day together. He doesn't event mention it, just lets me enjoy his company. We lay on the blankets, cuddled up tightly, looking at the shining stars. My fingers stroke his bare chest and his hands lay on the small of my back. He holds me a little to tight but I don't mind. We fall asleep together.

The next morning, I stand at the Maze doors. Mihno taps his foot, impatiently. Newt and I hug forever. We pull away and I look into his brown eyes.

"I will love you forever and ever and never forget you Lauren. I love you so much." He whispers.

"Love you too Blondie." I smile a bit and his lips crash on mine passionately. We finally part for the last time, tears go down his cheeks in a long lasting stream. I turn and run, not looking back at my true loves face as I walk away for the last time.

I find a nice wall full of vines that climb high. I begin to go up them, fast. I reach a small ledge and look over. I am about fourty five feet up and the cement looks terribly hard. I am locked in a gaze of the ground when I hear my name in a familiar British accent.

"Lauren!" I look to see Newt staring at me. He runs to the bottom of where I am and begins to climb. I sigh. He reaches the top and hugs me, oddly he is smiling.

"I tried this once. It's gonna work this time." He whispers and I finally notice the familiar thing behind Newt's eyes. The same sadness as me. I pull away and we entwin our fingers tightly. I grin widely and squeeze his fingers.

"Are you ready?"

"I am ready. I love you, Lauren."

"Love you, too, Newt"

And with that...we jump. Together. Forever.

This was for my BESTIE in the whole world!! Love you Laur!! Be sure to request

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