Gally Imagine for @anony7

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I snarl at the tall blonde boy as he grins with pleasure of my negative reaction. He grins and yanks on my wavy hair.

"I hate you, El." Gally sneers, a wicked grin still tattooed on his ugly shuck face. My ears go red with anger.

"I hate you, Gally! Always have, always will! So stop teasing me and pick on someone your own size!" I yell, hot tears going down my cheeks and I don't even know why. Well, I do know why. It's because I have a crush on Gally.

All he does is pick on me and call me names. And I have the shuck decency to fall in love with the boy.

"No, no not love. Like. Like very very much. But, not love." I reassure myself. But, I always seem to have doubts when I see his gorgeous dark brown eyes. Or his luscious, thick blonde hair. Or his...lips...

"Stop!! He doesn't like you! He hates you! He's told you this!! You'll never get him so move on!" My brain screams at my heart. My heart is never reasonable. My mind knows the truth and my heart constantly denies it.

I watch Gally's face morph into something that resembles sadness. I have never cried in front of him and now I can't stop the tears. I turn in defeat and stomp off towards the Deadheads, still sobbing in spite of myself.

I don't know how long I sat against a log in the Deadheads, crunchy leaves surrounding my shaking body. Trembles run through me like Mihno runs the maze. I let out one last whimper and calm myself, taking deep shaky breaths.

There is a sudden snap behind me. Out of protection, I grab a pocket knife from my boot and turn, chucking it at the sound. Sadly, it missed the target and lands in a tree with a hallow thump right next to the person's head. When I see who convicted the sound, I wish his head would have been the tree I just murdered. Gally stands there, something of a guilty look on his ugly, handsome slinthead face.

"El...." He says, hesitantly stepping towards me, " we need need to talk." He speaks with caution as he is the one who knows personally about my short temper. He is about to find out just how bad my temper can be.

Viciously wiping the tears off my cheeks, my ears turn red with anger. "Talk? Talk!? A year of you picking on me and me doing nothing now you decide we should talk!?" I scream at him. He steps back a bit at my outburst and then continues walking forward, his hands out cautiously. He is approaching me like I am an animal. I glare so hard my face hurts. He lays off a bit.

"El...I am sorry...I never meant to make you cry." He mumbles. I am shocked. He has never...ever apologized. I draw in a shaking breath.

" think one silly little I'm sorry is gonna....gonna make me forgive you." I whimper and break down sobbing. I fall to my knees but strong arms wrap around me, catching me before I hit the ground hard. Gally holds me as I cry. And I let him, sobbing in his arms and forgetting past squabbles.

He suddenly does something that catches a sob in my throat. He presses his lips to my temple.

"El...I wanna say something...I am so sorry for everything. I love you. I love you so much. I never knew how to tell you...and you intimidated me so so much. I didn't know what to do, so I just...I am sorry." I am completely stunned. Especially when I realize his broad frame shakes with sobs as he buries his face in my wavy hair. I pull away, abruptly and look at a puffy eyed Gally. I set a hand on his cheeks and brush away the tears.

" you too..." He smiles and leans in, pressing our lips together. I smile in the kiss. He pulls away after a while.

"I can't believe you like me back..." He whispers.

"No, Gally." I correct him, finally sure on what I am about to say, I whisper" not like Gally. I love you." And with that, we kiss again, finally turning the page from petty arguments to stole kisses.

This little sweet bit was for El! Hope y'all enjoyed it!!! I love it! Honestly, some of my best work right here!! Anyway, comment with requests!!!

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