Newt Imagine for @Maze_Newt

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This is an imagine for my best friend/sister...because her last one I killed off both her and Newt lol! Sorry Lauren! Here is probably the most adorable thing I have ever wrote! Hope you love it as much as I do sis!!!!


I had been looking for Newt all day. He wasn't around anywhere and I was starting to worry.

"Lauren!" I hear my big brother, Thomas call for me. I turn to see his smiling face a few feet away. I smile a bit.

"Happy one year anniversary, little sis!" He says and embraces me.

"Thanks Tommy...I just can't find Newt....last night he said he had a "special day" planned for our anniversary....and I haven't seen him all day. He was even gone when I woke up!" I sigh and look down. Newt has been stressed a lot recently. I do everything I can but we always seem to fight more and more often. Don't get me wrong...I love him with everything I am...he just gets on my nerves.

I stop daydreaming and look at a mischievously smirking Thomas.

"Tommy....what do you know..." I ask and he laughs a bit.

"I am not suppose to tell you yet...but go to the you sis." He kisses my head and runs off. That was weird...

I walk to the lookout and climb up the ladder carefully, being extra quiet. Something...beautiful fills my ears instantly.

"You and I...we're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky. With you, I'm alive, like all the missing pieces of my heart they finally collide."

I climb the ladder quicker, eager to get a look at the creature singing the beautiful song.

"So stop time right here in the moonlight, because I don't ever wanna close my eyes. Without you I feel broke like I am half of a whole. Without you I've got no hand to hold."

I make my way to the top and see a boy, his back to me, lighting candles in the middle of a satin laced red table. The song seems to be coming from him because I see no angel singing, as I suspected.

"Without you I feel torn, like a sail in a storm. Without you, I'm just a Sad Song. I'm just a sad song."

The boy hums the rest of the beautiful song. I whisper his name, the tears going down my cheeks.

"Newt?" He jumps and turns.

" weren't suppose to see this yet..." He whispers, his cheeks going as red as the table cloth. I laugh a bit, the tears still coming.

"Is...this for me..." I whisper and he nods.

"Happy anniversary love..." He says and I embrace him tightly. "How much did you...uh...hear?" He asks nervously, wrapping his arms around my waist and burying his face in my neck.

"All of the song..."I whisper smiling and he kisses below my ear.

"That was supposed to be a surprise, love" He whispers. I smile and he releases me and pulls me to the table. He pulls out my chair and I sit. He lifts the top off of a silver serving dish and reveals Frypan's homemade favorite. I smile and we dig in.

After we finish we have mint chocolate chip ice cream, also my favorite. But, the whole time, Newt looks extremely nervous about something. I smile and reach across the table and take his hands

"Thank you Newt, for a wonderful anniversary." He smirks.

"It's not over, yet." A large boom of colors erupt in the sky. My mouth falls open.

" had this done...for me?" I ask my eyes watering.

"Yes love..." He smiles and stands me up. I follow him and we lean on the railing, watching the pink and blue and red and yellow sparkles in the sky. I look over at Newt and he smiles.

"Look directly at the fireworks, princess." He commands and I do. I see him moving out of the corner of my eye, but obediently I leave my eyes there. Suddenly, the fireworks change and a sentence ignites the dark sky.

"Will you marry me, princess.
~Your Newtie Cutie."

My eyes fill with tears, some run down my face as I look over to see Newt on one knee, a ring in his hand, the diamond sparkling every time a firework is set off. I smile and nod, tears going down my cheeks. He grins and smashes his lips into mine passionately. I hear the Gladers cheering over the fireworks booms. I smile against his lips, never more happy than I was right then. Never more infinite than in that moment. With the man I love. And a ring signaling our burning endless desire for each other. He is my everything.

"Without you...I'm just a Sad Song."

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