Mihno Imagine for @Runner_Kat

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I sit in the Glade grass, waiting for my best friend, Mihno to come back from the maze. He is a runner and absolutely hate it. I wanna be a runner, but the boys are being unfair about my gender. I sigh and play with a blade of the grass.

I don't know how long I sit there until my legs fall asleep. I stand and begin to pace.  The doors have almost reached the time where they shut. There it's now a large crowd of Gladers around me, but I barely notice. I take deep calming breaths and run my fingers through my long dark strawberry blonde hair. There is a lot loud sound. Cement rubbing against cement. The walls closing. My eyes grow write and I begin to panic, stopping pacing to stand and uneasily search the opening for any signs of Mihno or the Greenie. I wrote my sweaty palms on my jeans. The walls are half way shut when I see the Greenie, Thomas, turn the corner. He hauls a body on his back. I cry out knowing who it is and keep myself from running through to help him. The crowd of Gladers begin to yell encouragement as I stand and whisper talk to myself.

"He will make it Maciah just calm down. He can make it. COME ON GREENIE GO FASTER!!" I watch as they make it closer to the exit. The doors get closer and closer to shutting. "Shuck it!" I run out into the maze and take some of Mihno's weight off of the Greenie by slinging Mihno's arm over my shoulder. We just barely squeeze through the closing walls. We gently lay Mihno on the ground and I catch my breath. I don't barely see him before Clint and Jeff carry Mihno to the infirmary and I stay behind with Thomas who has his hands on his knees, catching his breath. I walk over.

"What the hell happened, Greenie!?" I yell. He looks up. His face is flustered and his dark hair is stuck to his face with sweat.

"Calm down, Maciah! He was stung. But, we have antidote so he will hopefully be okay." Thomas says and walks to go and get some water, I assume. I take a deep, shaking breath and walk to the infirmary.

I get there and see Mihno, my heart sinks. His veins, bluish green. His face, pale. His eyes, closed. His face, contorted in pain and a shine of sweat on his forehead.  His hands and tied down and balled into fists. I run to his side and bury my face in his neck, my tears drip on his skin. Clint speaks as I cry silently.

"We put the antidote in him, he should be fine by morning. It's gonna be a rough night." I hear him say and then his footsteps followed by the door shutting.

The night, as Clint said, was rough. Mihno crying out in pain and screaming. His fingers would tighten around mine every time. Somewhere in that shuck place, I found sleep.

I awake in the morning to my name.

"Maciah? Maciah are you awake?" A familiar voice whispers. I lift my head off Mihno's shoulder to be meet with his dark eyes. I smile and, out of excitement, press my lips to his. He is taken by surprise but eventually kisses back. We pull away after awhile.

"I love you so don't ever do that to me again shuck face. You scared the crap out of me." I whisper smiling slightly.

"I love you too Maciah." He whispers and we kiss again.

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