Your Favorite Nickname for Him

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Thomas-Cupcake, he hates the nickname beacause he think it doesn't make him sound manly but way deep down, he loves that you call him that and he always has an excuse to kiss you on your neck to make you laugh, when you call him that.

Newt-Newtie Cutie with the big booty, he likes the nickname, but loves the story behind it, you two where sitting at the table in the homestead and he was teasing you. You laugh and said "okay Newtie Cutie with the big booty" your eyes go wide and he erupts into laughter. Ever since that was his nickname.

Mihno-Hot stuff, he begged you to call him that around everyone. You denied to for the longest time but one day gave in and he loved you for it. Ever since, you cant help but say it everyone you see him.

Gally-Captian, every time you see him you will give him a salute and say "ahoy matey". He will scowl and then smirk and kiss your temple. "Ahoy sailor." He will whisper and kiss your lips quickly.

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