Aris Imagine

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Hey dears!! This one wasn't specifically requested but it was kinda requested that I do an Aris Imagine!! Well here it is!!!

I am the new greenie. I sit on a log, watching girls dance and eat around a large burning fire. I look down my hands shaking, warm tears going down my cheeks. I sniff and stare at the green grass. I sense a presence besides me. I look up to find the boy.

His name is Aris.

He playfully smiles at me and I weakly return it. He sets a hand on my shoulder and my skin begins to tingle a bit.

He breaks the awkward silence. "Y/N? Isn't it?"

"What?" I look at him like he just asked me the most complex question, when he merely asked my name.

"Your name. Your name is Y/N. Right?" He asks, a smile tugging at his lips. I nod slowly and look at the fire.

After along moment of silence with his palm still pressed against my shoulder, he breaks the silence once, again. Smoothly and slowly sliding his arm over my shoulders to hold me closer, he whispers, "You're quite gorgeous, Y/N"

I blush and sit closer. "Ya think?" I ask and look down grinning.

He lifts my head with his fingertips under my chin. "Oh greenie. I know." And with that he softly presses his lips to mine. I kiss back instantly, tangling my hands in his hair. He kisses softly and passionately, running a hand over my arms while a the other cups my cheek. He smiles into the kiss and I smiles back, not having any problem returning it this time.

He pulls away after a long time and looks me in my eyes. I grin and snuggle close. He wraps an arm around me, smiling.

"Greenie. Your the most beautiful girl here. I have never seen anything like you." I smile at his words and bury my face in his neck to hide a blush creeping into my cheeks. He tight end his arms and holds me close.

"Aww, Aris and greenie sittin' in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!" A high pitched voice sing songs. I look up to find a pretty girl staring down at us. Black hair frames her face as she grins widely. But, I can see there is something else behind her eyes. Jealousy.

"Hey. I'm Rachael. Aris's best friend." She smiles a sweet smile at me as she extends her hand. I take it, returning the smile. I decide to play around with this girl a bit. She obviously likes Aris and he is...well, I have no idea what he is to me.

Grinning like a demon, I lean up and kiss Aris gently on his cheek. He goes red and seems to forget everyone in the glade but me. He leans down and passionately kisses my lips. I kiss back and close my eyes. After a long time of kissing, Rachael clears her throat. Aris pulls away and kisses my forehead before looking back at Rachael.

She purses her lips and glares at me. I smirk and shrug innocently. She looks as if she where to explode. Aris doesn't seem to notice his best friend turning fifty shades of red.

After a long awkward night of Rachael fighting desperately for attention and me not fighting at all for quick, stolen kisses from Aris, we are all told it's time for bed.

I stand, pulling Aris up with me. He smiles and puts an arm around me.

We walk to the trees where all girls are going. We are about two hundred yards away when we take a sharp left turn, towards a dark forest line. I look up at Aris.

"What are we doing?" I ask. He grins.

"Since its your first night and you don't have a bed, I have a tent you can crash in. Til ya get one of your own." I smile and let him lead me to a small blue tent.


Around twelve thirty, when I hear something outside. Aris's arm is tossed over my side, my back against his chest and his face nuzzled in my neck. I open my eyes and smile a bit.

Then there's that sound again. Like rustling leaves outside the tent.

"Aris." I whisper and sit up and shake him gently. His eyes are still closed. I sigh and get up to investigate. I unzip the tent and walk into the cool night.

"Hello?" I call. Nothing. Then, a hand claps over my mouth. I try screaming but the hand is pressed too tightly. The person drags me back, deeper into the woods.

We reach the back wall and I still struggle like hell. It's no good. The person throws me on the ground and I catch my breath, looking up at my attacker. It's Rachael. No surprise. She glares down at me.

"Listen up greenie. Aris is mine. He doesn't relieve it but he loves me. Not you. And when I kill you, he will take comfort in me." She pulls out a machete that glitters with moon light that cuts through the trees. My heart and breath speeds up and I suck in a breath to call for help when Rachael jumps on me.

"Shhs. Greenie. Zip it." Grinning, she stabs the knife into my stomach. I watch as everything slips into darkness and pain.


Aris sits up, Y/N gone from his arms. He jumps up and runs out to the homestead. Familiar girls are gathered in a circle. Aris runs over.

When he reaches the group, Rachael turns to look at him. Something is wrong. Tears stream down her cheeks.

"It's...Y/N..." she whimpers and Aris pushes through the girls to see the greenie, Y/N, laying on the ground, machete in her stomach. He falls to his knees. He knew her for so little time but loved her so dearly. Tears come into his eyes and Rachael is right there, hugging his shoulders tightly.

"Aris I'm so sorry. No one knows who did it." Reluctantly, Aris turns and returns Rachael's embrace, knowing he must move on from Y/N to keep the pain at bay. Rachael, knowing she finally got Aris for herself, hugs tighter. Y/N, letting go of the small life Rachael didn't take, let's a tear slide down her cheek as her heart permanently quits beating.

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