II - The Seasons - Summer

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The Messiah of Architecture: 

How Phayu Saengtham hated that name! He was no Messiah! Fuck, he was no superhuman or God either! If people ever found out about the real him, who he was, what his family did and how he was the heir to a throne that would crush ordinary mortals with its weight, they would put their tails between their legs and run in the opposite direction. Being a member of the 'gayest' mafia family seemed like a joke, but it truly wasn't! Right now, names like these were borne with a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. That is why he hated events like these. People forgot he was human and clustered around him, all wanting his attention. But this time, this particular code line dinner was extremely important. Here he hoped to trap a beauty. He had changed a tyre in the pelting rain for a cute, innocent, doe eyed Nong. Something about him had captured Phayu, and he knew that he wanted more. He had relationships before. But he was always so afraid of betrayal, that he kept his life very private. One-night stands here and there, but that was it. Growing up with fathers, uncles, and cousins surrounding him, he had never wanted for love. But he knew the price he would have to pay to keep that kind of love in his heart. He would never leave the family, and he would never bring anyone into his who could not bear the burdens of being a Theerpanayakul. So this boy was fresh meat, and all Phayu cared about was ruining him for others. But what he did not expect was the boy himself. He had waiied politely, showing no signs of recognition, smiling at what seniors were saying, but not interacting or saying much on his own. If no one was talking to him, he would just sit with his head down, staring at his drink.

Phayu was actually surprised. Usually, people jumped over hoops to talk to him. But this boy was so quiet that something twisted in Phayu's gut. Soon Phayu was dragged into a discussion with some other members of the student committee. When he was finally free from that, he turned around and saw that Rain was gone. He rushed out, hoping that the car he had disabled would be still in the lot. It was, but its owner was gone. Phayu was mad. How the hell had this happened. And he didn't have the key to the car to have it towed. He vowed to come back the next morning and help his Nong. But when he did, the car was gone! Now Phayu was royally pissed! He stormed into the garage, only to stop short when he saw Saifah talking his Rain. Wait! What? Not his Rain, just Rain. Nong Rain, yes; just Nong Rain.

"Fah?" "Hey Yu! What's up? Why are you here this early?" his twin asked. "Nothing. Nong Rain?" Before Phayu could add anything, Rain waiied. "Hello P'Phayu. I did not know this was your place. Please take care of my car Phi," he said with a bow to both Fah and him. Phayu was taken aback with Rain's formal tone. "P'Saifah, I really need to go to the college right now. I will call you about the car later?" Rain asked, turning slightly away from Phayu, but not enough to slight him. Fah nodded and Rain waiied and left before Phayu could gather his wits around him. "First time I have seen someone who doesn't care a shit about who you are!" Saifah's cackle drew him out of his reverie. That's when he realised. Saifah was right! And now he was intrigued. "I'll be back," he murmured before rushing out. Saifah grinned. That was a first! And that was definitely reaching the ears of the Family!

By the time Phayu reached outside, Rain was gone. Again! Phayu was frustrated beyond words. He was seriously annoyed by the lengths Rain went to, to avoid him. Or maybe Rain was not avoiding him. He was just a normal boy. Phayu had probably gotten too used to people falling all over him. So a boy like Rain was a breath of fresh air. Later that evening, he was summoned home. Usually, his parents and other family members pretty much left him alone. A summon meant something serious was underfoot. When Phayu entered the house and saw Fah lounging around with Team and Dao, he knew exactly what had happened. He glared daggers into his brother. Fah just smirked, lifting a shoulder in a shrug. "Hiaaaaaa Ven!!" Phan's excited shouted alerted everyone that Phayu was home, and the whole family started trickling in.

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