XI - SlumbeR(a)in - 2 (Finale)

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"Tomorrow, the plan is to take you all to that shrine and ensure that you all can find your true love stories too. Even if you don't get a chance to sleep, at least the blessings will help. One more thing. If you do see someone fall asleep, don't try to wake them up. It's bad luck. Just leave them there. They have been specially blessed," Sig said, and everybody nodded eagerly, including P'Som. The man was as transparent as a neon billboard and Sig almost snorted on his own joke. "We will give you the maps and materials you need tomorrow morning. For now, it would be a good time to rest!" Sig said, as he clapped his hands and ushered everyone away. "Nong Sig?" Sig turned around at the deep voice. "Khap Phi....," he asked, although he knew full well who he was talking to. "Phayu. I was wondering where your friends were? I didn't see them around," Phayu asked, trying to sound blasé. Sig was no one's fool. "You are looking for anyone specific Phi?" he asked, cocking a brow. "Uhm no.. just, you all looked tired at the Uni and then in the bus," Phayu said.

"Obviously Phi! I would be surprised if they are all not dead to the world by now. It was the hardest few days. Final exams, organising all this.. it was worse than a nightmare!" Sig said, getting worked up. "Organising all this? You mean helping the seniors arrange it?" Phayu asked. "Huh! The seniors couldn't do this amazing a job even if they farted it out of their asses!" Sig said caustically. Then he slapped his hand on his mouth. "Sorry Phi! Sorry for the language. Consider this the rantings of a person with only half a brain functioning. Sleep deprivation has caused my brain to mouth filter to be shut down. Usually, that's Rain's department, but I think he is on a complete zone out this time. So I am taking over," Sig said, yawning loudly. "You seem tired Nong. Maybe we will talk tomorrow," Phayu said, hiding his excitement. Rain! He had been right! That was Rain, the same boy from that scary night a long time ago! He would find out a way to talk to him tomorrow, that was for sure!

Breakfast next day was a boisterous affair. Phayu tried to be on the lookout for Rain and his group of friends. They were sitting a bit away from the rest of the 1st years as well as their seniors, maintaining a distance. While this boundary was not really visible, it sent something to the pit of Phayu's stomach. What the hell was happening here? Even though they were not looking as exhausted as yesterday, the dark circles under their eyes were a clear indication that these kids were still tired. Why had Som lied to him? That he had been the one to plan all this? Phayu was a bit unnerved and a lot disgusted by these turn of events. Hardly something he expected from a senior. But somehow not surprised. It had upset him and he had spoken to Beam about it, and he had been strangely unsurprised too. "That guy is an ass. Even when we were around, as a Nong, he was too much around you. When he got to know he is not in your codeline, he kicked up a fuss of humongous proportions. But then you don't really have a say in stuff like this, so he had to just bear down," Beam had said.

"By the way Phayu, do you remember how you told me that you stopped going for the codeline dinners?" Beam asked, leaning towards him, drawing him out of staring at the Rain and his group. Phayu nodded. "Can you tell me why?" Beam asked, almost as if he knew the answer. "Well, mainly because the juniors never came. The first couple of times, they left before I came. Other times, they didn't turn up at all, or came after I left. Why?" Phayu asked. "It happened because of Nong Som," Beam said. Phayu stared at him, shocked. Som was just 2 years behind him. What had he done? Beam must have understood his unasked question, because he immediately looked at Sariya, a 3rd year student. "Would you like to tell him, or should I?" Beam asked her.

She looked scared for a moment, looking towards Som, who was sitting a couple of tables away, talking to one of his classmates. She cleared her throat. "Because P'Som threatened everyone who got your codeline. He told them that if they went to any of the parties, and if you were there, they must be rude to you so that you will hate them. He has been doing that every year. This year was the worst. Poor Rain!" Sariya said. "What did he do to Rain?" Phayu asked, jaw clenched. "He hates the Nong. Rain is such a sweetheart. He actually went to the codeline and also helped P'Som's sister against her brother. So P'Som hates his guts. Thankfully, you were not there at the dinner, so Nong seems to be okay. But he is the most overworked Council Member ever," Sariya said, her voice still a whisper, but her helpless anger was coming through. Phayu was about to reply when Sig stood up and asked for attention.

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