End of Stories.........

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Hi guys!!

Thank you for staying with The Stories of LITA until now. It was a random idea, just to post my one-shots or slightly longer(but not full length) stories here. 

But, 14 stories later, I am ready to close this. 

However... This is NOT the end... I will continue writing these as they give me a great stress relief when I take a break from my longer stories.... And I have a great server which gives me great prompts that I just HAVE to write! So... A new beginning will be on the way!!

A lot of changes are likely to happen in this new year, but my love and passion for my boys will never go away. The stories that I write are the biggest stress busters I have, and I don't ever want to give up on them. But there may be moments, where the uploads may be slower, or not possible. I request you to be patient with me.. and not give up on me!!

Until then, keep giving me the love that you have given me so far.... And DO NOT forget to vote and comment... Please remember, your votes and comments motivate me to write... Don't let me lose that... 

Love you all loads!


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