X - Home Run(ning to you) 5

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"What the hell just happened?" Kinn asked, looking at his family. Vegas shrugged, as he stared at the staircase the boys had disappeared towards. "This is so unlike Yu and Pai. Maybe we should call Fah," Porche said. "Excellent idea," Pete said, pulling out his phone to call his younger boy. "Hello Pa," Saifah said, as soon as he answered the phone. "Fah, you are on speakerphone. What is wrong with Yu?" Pete asked. "I don't know much Pa, but I can say that it's not going well with Rain. Someone spread rumours that Yu and Ple broke up because Ple saw him with some 1st year. And now Rain wouldn't give him the time of the day," Fah said. "So what happened to Pai?" Porche asked. "What do you mean?" Fah asked. "Pai barged in here, saying that Rain is someone who spreads his legs for anyone," Porche said. "What? Rain? Are you serious? The only place I have seen that boy are his classes, canteen, library. And maybe he goes home after. And he is always surrounded by his group. Never goes anywhere without them. Out of the 6 of them, 4, including Rain, are mated, and two of them are simply bodyguards," Fah laughed.

"Six? I thought they were four friends?" Kinn asked. "Well, Perth and Lian introduced their mates to Rain's group and lost them," Fah was still laughing. "What do you mean?" Vegas asked. "Well, Saint and Kuea took one look at Rain's group and decided that they wanted to be friends with them. And once you will meet Rain, you will understand why everyone, every single person, gravitates towards him. He is the exact opposite of his name, the cutest, sunniest little bunny you will ever see," Fah said, his fondness for Rain coming through clearly in his voice. "Even P'Chai can't resist him," he added, laughing loudly. The older men looked at each other. Chai had been a bodyguard, and had a cold demeanour. Only Saifah could melt him completely. But if he was saying that Rain could too.. What were there sons thinking? "Okay Fah, we will sort out this mess as best as we can," Pete said, as he cut the call. They all looked at each other. "Who will talk to them?" Kinn asked. "No one for now. First they need to figure out what they want to do," Porche said. "So we sit back and watch the drama?" Vegas asked. "We have learnt from the best. Let's watch them fight their own battles," Pete said.

The next morning, Pai rushed towards Sky's dorm. He was so ashamed of his outburst, that he was willing to do anything to get him back. He had been so stupid. Rain and Sky had been friends far longer than he had known Pai, he would obviously be on his friend's side. Pai should have used a better method to ensure that Sky stayed away from Rain. He was the family negotiator. How could he have made such a rookie mistake. But Sky was not at the dorm. Pai immediately rushed to the Uni. He would check the canteen. Sky would be there for sure. He always had breakfast there at this time and Pai would talk to him and explain everything. But as soon as he entered the canteen, he was met with a devastating sight. Phayu sat, surrounded by their friends, as he cried inconsolably. "What the hell happened?" Pai asked. "Rain resigned from the baseball team. Both Sky and Rain have withdrawn from the session and decided to take online classes," Perth said, still patting Phayu's back.

"Who told you this?" Pai asked, feeling faint. "Those two Nongs, Sig and Por," Lian said, gesturing towards the two boys who were comfortably sitting and eating breakfast and laughing. Pai rushed off, even as Beam tried to hold him back. "Where the hell are Sky and Rain?" Pai shouted, using his Alpha tone. "Why the hell do you care?" Sig said, nonchalantly, keeping an arm on Por. "You forget Phi. I am an Alpha too. No use trying to intimidate me. And my pack, which includes Por, Sky and Rain. Stay away from us," Sig said, his voice pitched low, but the command clear. "Just tell me where Sky is," Pai said, gritting his teeth. "Sorry Phi. I can't tell you, because I don't know. Even if I did know, I wouldn't tell you. Did you think you could get away with calling our friend a slut?" Por said. "Fine, we will figure it out ourselves," Pai clenched his fists uselessly by his side.

He rushed back to the table where his friends were sitting. "We need to go home. Don't sit here and cry like your mate is dead. Let's go ask Uncle Arm to help us, Pai said, as he dragged Phayu away. He threw his keys to Lian. "Just drop my car at the condo and leave the key at the lobby. I will take care of the rest," Pai said. Lian nodded. Pai took the keys of Phayu's car from his pocket and they both rushed home. As soon as the car screeched to a halt, the two boys rushed inside. "Now what happened? Why are you both running as if the hounds of hell are on your ass?" Porche asked, from the couch he was sharing with Pete. "Rain and Sky have disappeared. We need Uncle Arm to find them," Phayu said, almost breaking down. "I will let him know," Pete said, immediately picking up his phone. Within minutes, Arm was in the room with his laptop, looking for Sky and Rain's phones, but to no avail.

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