II - The Seasons - Autumn

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The Pitter-patter of Rain: 

Rain was no stranger to abuse. Bruised knuckles, peeling fingertips, scraped knees, hungry bellies, cold bodies, you name it, they had been there and done that. The orphanage where Sky and he had been left as babies had been a veritable cauldron of high end emotions, tantrums, and a wide range of dramas. Love was in large supplies when prospective parents came around. Several of their friends moved into forever homes, but not Sky and Rain. Too boisterous, too close to each other (we don't want gays in the house! Shudder!) and just too much to handle. At 16, they had packed their bags and left, sure of their survival skills. With the little money they had saved doing odd jobs around the orphanage, working in a nearby grocery store after school and the money they received from the government, both of them had enough to last them for a while till college began. They worked hard, and long, saving more money on the way. And despite whatever had happened, they had worked for their scholarships. Both of them were in Chula with full scholarships, which meant that tuition and boarding and lodging would be covered as long as their grades did not drop. They shared a dorm which had been something they had done before, so that was also not new to them.

But the incident with Gun had broken them. Sky because he had been unable to protect himself, because he felt dirty and worthless. And Rain because he felt powerless and helpless, because he could not protect Sky. Rain's guilt ate him in and out and sometimes he desperately wanted to feel his hands on Gun's neck and watch his eyes as he choked the life out of them. He wanted that so much that he would wake up sweating just thinking of the rush he would get. But he knew Sky needed him, so he settled for the next best thing. Approaching a mafia family who ran an illegal race, anyone else would have been terrified and would have peed their pants. But seeing Phayu there had settled Rain like nothing else.

Rain was aware that P'Phayu had been looking at him. And he was also aware of Phyu's reputation. Men like Phayu didn't settle. And Rain knew enough to steer clear of the man. But that didn't stop him from silently crushing on him. He had already known he was leagues apart from Phayu, but today, seeing him casually standing at back of the room, his eyes boring into Rain, it was pretty obvious that he didn't stand a chance. So he concentrated on the task at hand. "So why did you want to reach out to us Nong?" Chay asked him. Rain stares at them "Because he is a racer at your circuit. He had boasted to Sky about it. I was wondering if you could let me handle him. I know that violence is not allowed in these places, but betting is. So I would like to challenge him," Rain said. The entire room goes ominously quiet.

"And how do you plan to do that? What challenge will you place in front of him?" Kinn asked. "He races and he is supposed to be good. If he beats me, Sky and I will leave Bangkok forever, never letting him know where we are. However, if I win, I want to do what the races ban, which is why I am here for permission," Rain said. "You mean the use of violence?" Vegas asked curiously. Rain nodded. "Rain, we usually condone the use of violence at the races. However, since this man has done an unforgivable deed, you can punish him how you deem fit," Pete said. "But Rain, just like no good deed is without consequences, neither will this be," Macau said. "What should I do?" he asks, with no worry in the world. "Actually there are two things we want you to do," Porche said. "Which are?" Rain asked.

"The first, you race with either Phayu or Prapai. If you manage to beat them, you get your reward. However, if you lose, you never reach out to us again. you forget our existence," Vegas said. Rain glanced at Phayu and accepted. "The second, when you win against Gun, you get the first shot. Just the one. We will take care of the rest. And you will not see him again," Porche said. "Done!" Rain said. "Just one thing," he added. "Yes?" Kinn asked. "Will you kill him?" Rain asked. The men all looked at each other. "Is that what you want Rain?" Pete asked, curiously, looking at the boy, wondering what his response will be. What did come out of Rain's mouth did shock them. "Yes please," he said, as if was ordering at a restaurant. "You have no idea how many nights I have lain awake wanting it to be these hands that choke the life out of him. but Sky needs me, so I will not do anything to let my friend be hurt," he added. "You are a very admirable and loyal young man Rain. And we would be proud to be of service to you, as long as you can win against Phayu or Prapai. Whom do you choose to contest against?" Kinn asked.

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