VI - You hold my Soul Part 2 (Finale)

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"So where is P'Phayu?" he asked, looking around. "Rain, lu..," Vegas trailed off and swallowed, as if he had a lump struck in his throat. Then he squared his shoulders. "Lu, Phayu is very ill," he said. What? NO! Rain could not believe it! He would not believe it! "I don't believe you," he said. "Alpha decided he didn't want me, so he sent you to say this to me, right?" "No Rain. Phayu loves you too much to ever do that. He loved you even before he knew what a mate bond was. Do you want to hear how?" Pete asked. Rain nodded. "Eighteen years ago, our son came to us one night, sobbing inconsolably. He sounded so heartbroken that we were scared. The entire night he kept saying 'Mate'. He was just seven years old, and that was not a word that was actually thrown around a child that age."

"We were so afraid for his sanity, that we took him to a clan elder," Vegas took up the tale. "He told us that once in several centuries, a fated pair so strong were born, that their bonds went beyond space and time. They could cross any obstacle, any boundary, if that that meant being one step closer to their other half. And our Phayu had connected to his destiny. When we asked him what he felt when he thought of you, he said it was like vague images, a kaleidoscope of emotions that would come and go in spurts. Sometimes we would see Phayu just sit and smile, sometimes he would laugh in joy, sometimes sad, sometimes downright broken-hearted. We knew that it was not something in him, but something that you were feeling."

"When he turned 18, those emotions started growing stronger, but they never deepened to the point of pain, which made us realise that his mate was much younger. So we advised him to start living his life. We went to the elder, who gave us a chain. He said that the thoughts would be kept at bay till his mate turned 18. Phayu threw himself in his studies, his clan, his friends. We got a lot of proposals for him, but he wouldn't even think of meeting any of them. We told him that one of them could be his Omega, but he was clear. His Omega and he would find themselves when the time was right. And he was absolutely correct. The moment you turned 18, the chain around Phayu's neck broke automatically. That was his first connect with you. Once he met you, he couldn't stop talking about you. And he had connected with you on an elemental level. He couldn't stop himself from meeting you every night, proudly carrying your marks. But the travel from the body to the soul was difficult for him," Pete said.

"So? How can we help P'Phayu?" Rain asked, tears pouring down his cheeks. "You must come with us Rain. The only thing that can save Phayu right now is the mate bond. You both must mate and mark each other. Only then can Phayu be saved," Vegas said, apologetically. "Phayu didn't want us to come. But we are helpless in the face of the love we have for our son," Pete added. "In fact, he didn't even tell us who you were, where you lived, nothing. It's only when our younger son mentioned that you were his code line junior, that's when we could find you," Vegas said. "P'Phayu was my senior?" Rain was shocked. Vegas nodded. Rain fell silent for a moment. Everyone stared at him. But Rain knew that he was so overwhelmed with his love for his alpha and wanted to be with him whatever it takes. So he turned to his loved ones. "I would like to go with Khun Vegas and Khun Pete. It's my mate they are talking about. Please grant me permission Dada and Papa," he said, waiing respectfully.

"Of course baby. Your Papa told me that he had his doubts about you having a mate. But we didn't say anything to you because we wanted you to tell us when you were sure," Leo said. Rain was so swamped with emotions. He was crying and was so happy that he was really blessed to have a sweet and lovable family. A family who had given him love and care and were so good to him. He hugged them both and quickly ran upto pack his things. When he came back, Leo, Fiat and Sky also were waiting for him. "We will come and meet your Alpha soon, okay?" Leo said, hugging him close. "Khun Vegas, Khun Pete, Rain may have not been born to me, but he is my son nonetheless, one I love so much. Please promise us that you will take care of him and love him the way we do," Fiat said, hugging Rain, tears falling form his eyes. "Of course! He is Phayu's mate, the Luna of our clan and our beloved youngest son," Pete said, trying to comfort the other Omega. Rain and Sky hugged too. "Come meet me soon. Your destiny is near," Rain whispered in Sky's ear, before leaving for his new home.

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