VIII - Baby, I'm Yours

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Phayu was irritated as fuck

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Phayu was irritated as fuck. First he got stuck with some uppity clients. Then when he hurried home to change, he got stuck with some discussion about the garage with Saifah. Then just as he was about to reach that blasted code line dinner, the skies opened and it started raining. He could have made a thousand excuses to not come today. But he had one excuse to just be there. Rain. The 1st year code line junior whose tyre he had changed in the rain the other day. And now it was raining again. Phayu smiled behind the visor of his helmet. Maybe a little bit of Rain was not too bad.

When he reached the venue, he saw that everyone was waiting. "Am I too late?" he smirked asked, with a self-assurance and confidence born out of being the best at everything. Although his question was asked generally around the room, he did not fail to notice how his boy's eyes rounded. He wanted to laugh out loud and appreciate the cutie, but he kept his thoughts contained. After passing greetings all around, he reached Rain's table. "P'Phayu, this is Nong Rain, our youngest code line junior," one of the 3rd years, a girl named Sariya, introduced him. Rain immediately stood up and waiied politely. "Swasdi Khap Phi. I am Varain. But everyone calls me Rain," he said bowing. Phayu was impressed. Cute, polite boys were what he loved. He wondered if Rain would bring up their first meeting, but he stood waiting for Phayu to say something, looking expectantly with his doe-eyes wide open.

"Swasdi Khap Nong Rain. I am really glad to meet you, and I hope you will reach out to me if you have any questions, or doubts," Phayu said, trying to sound like a good senior when all he wanted was to ravish those pouty lips and lick the swan like neck and mark him all over. He kept his expression clear and Rain smiled. Phayu was simply and completely gone. That bunny smile did something twisty to his insides and he took a deep breath to stop himself from becoming hard. But that just made it worse, because now he breathed in the scent of Rain, a faintly lavender smell that coated all his senses. He shifted a bit back, nodding to the boy and moved away.

Since he had arrived, there had been a bit of change in the seating and Rain was now in his direct line of vision, talking to the seniors around him, small smiles gracing his face. Then suddenly Phayu felt a prickling sensation under his skin. He pretended to look around the room but was actually trying to see what Rain was upto. What he saw made his hair stand on end. Sariya had a arm around Rain's shoulder. Phayu could see the discomfort on the boy's face as he tried to politely shrug the hand away. Phayu was about to get up and move towards him when someone called Sariya and she moved away. Both of them heaved a sigh of relief.

But it was short-lived as another man put his hand on Rain's thigh. Rain looked like he was going to throw-up, especially when another senior forced him to drink a bit. "I am driving Phi," he tried to refuse politely, but they held his chin and tipped the glass towards his mouth. He knew everyone was more than a little tipsy, but to force his beautiful boy, who almost looked on the verge of tears, like this? Phayu could not take it anymore. He abruptly stood up and pulled Rain away. "Mine," he growled, taken everyone by surprise. "What do you mean Ai'Phayu?" one of his seniors asked. Everyone knew Phayu never dated, and definitely not from the faculty.

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