X - Home Run(ning to you) 7 (Finale)

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Pete looked at him curiously. "Okay, in that case, let's move everything there," Sky said. "I hope you have guest rooms Phi," Por asked. "I do, but why?" Phayu asked, as he gently put Rain back down on the couch. "Because we will be staying there," Sig said. Sky and Por nodded. "Hey! I am not staying in Phayu's house," Pai said. "Nobody invited you either," Sky said, deadpan. "But Sky..," Pai trailed off at the look Sky gave him. "You do realise that you still haven't begged for forgiveness from my best friend for calling him a slut, right?" Sky asked, his tone icy again. "Sky, I..," Pai was speechless. "Rain, I am really sorry that I said something like that about you," he said to Rain. "Huh? That's an apology? That's the worst, most half-assed apology that I have ever heard," Saifah said, snickering. "P'Pai, don't apologise to Rain just because you want to get into Sky's pants," Sig said, as Pai sputtered. "Apologise to him like you mean it," he added.

"Rain and Sky are very lucky to have wonderful friends like you. That reminds me. Sig and Por, do you want to train under Porche and me and become family bodyguards, especially for Sky and Rain?" Pete asked, looking at the two boys. "But we are architects," Por said. "All the better. If you are working with them, no one will suspect you of being anything except colleagues," Porche said. Sig and Por looked at each other. "You both can't be seriously thinking of this?" Sky asked incredulously. "Why not? Plus no one can help you escape faster than both of us from your stupid Alphas," Sig said nonchalantly. "Excuse me? That's not fair!" Phayu said. "Really?" Rain asked, cocking a brow. "True, but still not fair," Phayu mumbled. Everyone started laughing. "Also, let me make the sleeping arrangements clear. P'Phayu and P'Pai will share a room, Rain and I in one and Sig and Por in one. Until Rain or I decide otherwise," Sky said. Phayu and Pai looked like on the verge of a mental breakdown, Porche and Pete laughed out loud, and Vegas and Kinn snickered behind their hands. "You can stay here tonight. We will get that house cleaned and stocked with groceries before you move," Pete said, as he stood up. "You take care of that Pete. I will get started on dinner. Fah, Yu, help me," Porche said, also standing. "What about me? Can I cook too?" Pai asked. "No, stay the hell out of my kitchen. Rain is pregnant. I don't want him poisoned," Porche said, as he walked out with Phayu and Saifah following him, with Phayu giving a last lingering look at Rain, who smiled softly. Pai pouted. "My whole family hates me my Sky," he said plaintively. "I do too," Sky said coldly, standing up and helping Rain up so that he could rest before dinner. Pai pouted after him.

The next morning, everyone went to Phayu's house, where all the arrangements had been made. "Let Rain take my room Pa," Phayu said, putting Rain's bag in the biggest of the three rooms. "I will need clothes and other things from you Phi," Rain said. "For your nest?" Phayu asked. Rain nodded. "Where do you want it?" Phayu asked. "On the bed," Rain whispered , so softly that Phayu had to literally put his ear to Rain's mouth to understand what he was saying. Phayu nodded happily. "Do you want me to scent the bed baby?" he asked back, just as softly. Rain nodded again. "Do you mind Sky?" Phayu asked. "Oh, no Phi. I will not be sleeping on the bed in any case," Sky said. "Why not?" Pete asked curiously. "I move a lot in my sleep Uncle Pete. I don't want to hurt Rain. So I have already asked Sig to get the cot I used to use in the other place where we lived," Sky said, smiling.

Things settled in. Even though Phayu had no idea what to do to convince Rain, he still tried everything. He cooked him healthy meals, went with him for walks, massaged his feet, used words of affirmation about how much Rain meant to him. But there was always this wall between them, and Phayu was getting desperate. So he asked his Dad and Pa to help him. "What do I do? I want to tell him that he is the most important to me, and I am not with him because of the pups," Phayu said sadly. "The only way is to talk to him lu. Tell him your heart. If you are honest enough, he will know," Pete said, stroking his son's head. "Don't hold your love back from him. Pour your soul into him. Into his needs, his wants, his desires. Let him feel your sincerity," Vegas said. Phayu nodded, a new determination in him.

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