Chapter 2

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Titan Speakerman landed on the ground and placed Snowy onto the ground and he walked over to another titan with a camera for a head. "Snowy, This is Titan Cameraman one of the best titans alive. he will teach you what you need to know about physical extensive combat." 

Snowy tilted her head. " But i am just a wolf if i get underfoot of the titans i'll be squashed." 

Titan Cameraman spoke up. " I will make sure to not crush you....I find it strange you can understand us when humans don't understand us."

Snowy spoke up. " Well my species is a wolf and we have been known for our great hearing so we can hear things others cant hear."

Snowy twitched her ears and turned around growling as a G-toilet skibidi approched. Titan Speakerman and Titan Cameraman attacked the G-toilet skibidi and Snowy watched. after the G-toilet was killed Titan cameraman turned to Snowy. " Now lets train you.....Phisical exstensive combat wont work for your size so I have prepared an arina for this. we have captured Skibidis ranging from basic to G class so if you can defeat each class of skibidi you will be able to fight beside us titans."

Before Snowy could respond A skibidi fired a net at her and carried her off. titan speakerman and titan cameraman yelled at the same time. " SNOWY!" 

Titan speakerman turned to Titan Cameraman. " we have to go after her!" 

Titan Cameraman tries to calm Titan Speakerman down. " Calm down, we can't go save Snowy without Titan Tvman."

Titan speakerman pushed Titan cameraman aside and he took to the skies to go save snowy. " I am coming for you Snowy!"

Snowy would be placed in a cage and she laied on the ground but looked up as the evil scientist Skibidi approched her. " You will make a fine addition to the skibidi army wolf."

Snowy growled showing her fangs. " I will never Be one of you...I would rather die than join the skibidis that took my mate and pups away."

the scientist moved off to the side as a wolf skibidi approched. " You mean this mate of yours."

Snowy stared wide eyed at her converted mate and tears fell from her eyes. " Wick! why."

The black wolf skibidi Wick looked at Snowy. " I'm sorry Snowy....And I'm sorry about the loss of our pups...but now you need to find a new mate or start a new life a new chapter."

Snowy twitched her ears and looked up as Titan Speakerman removed the roof of the building. " Snowy you are alright we need to go!"

Snowy saw a parisite skibidi land on titan speakerman. " Titan Speakerman!"

Titan Speakerman screamed as he gets possesed. " Snowy!" Titan speakerman riped open Snowy's cage and picked her up and placed her on the ground. " Go find the other titans."

Snowy took off running and she looked back and whined before running off again as the G-toilets chased her. Snowy skidded to a stop and she growled and lunged up at the skibidis head grabbing it in her fangs and crunching it but not without being shot by another G-Toilet. Snowy lays on the ground but before the skibidis could kill her Titan TV man appeared saving her life. Titan TV man picked up Snowy. " Titan TV man... Titan Speakerman is possessed." 

Snowy whined before blacking out. When Snowy woke up she saw her sides wrapped in bandages and when she looked in a mirror she would have a bloody bandage over her right eye. "I'm hideous." 

Titan Cameraman approached Snowy from behind. " No you are not Snowy you are still a beautiful white wolf." 

Snowy looked up at Titan Cameraman. " I am ready for that training."

Titan cameraman nodded at what Snowy said. " Alright then come on." 

Snowy followed Titan Cameraman. But stopped as Tv woman walked up to her with a harness with speakers. " What is this for?"

Tv woman spoke up. " If you are to fight skibidis you need a weapon to use on the toilets." 

Snowy nodded. " I'll try my best to use this weapon." 

Titan and the wolf (skibidi toilet fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now