Chapter 23

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A few days later Echo was hooked to her wheelchair, and she uses her front paws to move about the base but due to her being blind she bumped into walls and other Alliance members. While she walked about base one of the wheels on her wheelchair locked up and refused to move Except in a circle as one wheel kept moving all Echo could do was let out a bark of distress to get the attention of the alliance. Titan Tv man teleported to echo seeing her move in circles with the wheelchair. "Hey Echo, what's wrong?" He asked as he kneeled down next to her. 

Echo whined and pointed at the wheel "It's stuck." 

Titan Tv man sighed. "Of course it is. This day just keeps getting better and better."

 Titan TV man reached out and tried to fix the wheel, but it was no use. He couldn't do it while Echo was in the chair. "Okay, Echo. Why don't you wait here for me? I'll see if I can find someone to help us fix this." 

Echo nodded, she wished she could wag her tail, but she couldn't due to her being paralyzed. Titan Tv man walked over to a nearby Alliance member and explained the situation. The Alliance member nodded and went to get the needed tools. Soon enough, the wheel was fixed, and Echo was able to move her wheelchair again. "Thanks, Titan Tv man," she said, her voice sounding a bit hoarse from all the barking. "I really appreciate it." 

Titan Tv man shrugged. "No problem. That's what friends are for, right?" 

Echo smiled, feeling a little bit better. "Yeah, I guess so." 

They continued on their way, Echo guiding her wheelchair with her front paws, occasionally bumping into walls or other Alliance members, but never losing her determination to keep moving forward. The wheel then locked up again. Titan Tv man hurried over to Echo and found her in the same position as before, moving in circles. just then Titan speakerman walks over seeing his daughter move in circles and he looked at titan tv man just then knife speakerman walked over and he stepped in a puddle of pee echo left then he stepped in a pile of fresh poo echo left as well. "Ugh, what the-fuck did I just step in? Also Ever thought about putting that paralyzed bitch in dog diapers. Take her to the vet." 

Titan TV man spoke up. " We can't take her to a vet because if the vet saw her like this, they will put her down no questions asked and that is what we are trying to avoid." 

Knife Speakerman just rolled his speaker head. "Fine, whatever. Let's just get this damn chair fixed." 

They managed to fix the wheel again, but as Echo moved forward, it locked up once more. The three of them exchanged worried glances. "What's going on with this Stupid wheel?" Titan Tv man asked.

 "I don't know, but it's not looking good," Titan Speakerman replied. They continued to try to fix the wheel, but nothing seemed to work. They even tried taking the wheelchair apart to see if they could fix it that way, but they were met with even more failure. but the wheelchair was so small compared to their giant forms.

l Knife speakerman spoke up " I can try and fix this damn wheelchair best i can." 

Knife speakerman then started using his knives to cut and shape the wheelchair until it was no longer the way it was before. "There we go. It should be a bit more stable now." He presented it to Echo. 

Knife speakerman spoke up again "Here let me help you into it." He then carefully lifted echo into the wheelchair, making sure not to hurt her. "There you go, Echo. I hope this works." 

Echo tested the wheelchair, moving it back and forth when the wheel suddenly locked up, Knife speakerman yelled "THATS IT THIS WHEELCHAIR IS A HUNK OF JUNK!"

echo whined speaking up " We can fix my wheelchair, right?"

 Knife speakerman spoke up again "I'm just saying this wheelchair is old kind of like you Titan Tv offense."

Titan Tv man shook his head. "are you calling me Old?" 

 Knife speakerman spoke up " I have something to say about that and you might hate me for saying this but...There is only one cure for gray hair or in your case an outdated tv screen. It was invented by a Frenchman. It is called the guillotine." 

Titan Tv man growled "What did you just say to me?"

Titan Tv man teleported away. "Oh great...Now I made him mad." Knife speakerman said 

Echo whined not sure what's going on and she looked around with her blind eyes " what's going on?" 

Knife speakerman spoke up "Oh, nothing important...Let's just get your wheelchair fixed, shall we?" Knife speakerman then got to work on fixing the wheelchair again.  He wasn't sure how long it would take, but he was determined to find a way to help Echo keep moving forward.

As Knife Speakerman worked on the wheelchair, Titan Tv man found himself pacing around, still fuming over the comment about being old. He didn't want to admit it, but a part of him knew that Knife Speakerman was right. He'd been feeling more and more out of place lately, like the world was moving on without him. He tried to tell himself that he was still valuable, that his knowledge and experience were what kept the Alliance together, but deep down, he couldn't shake the feeling that he was no longer as useful as he once was.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Knife Speakerman called out to Titan Tv man. "Hey, I think I've got it fixed."  Titan Tv man approached cautiously, still a bit wary of the other's words earlier. "Are you sure it's safe?" he asked. Knife Speakerman shrugged. "As safe as it's ever going to be. It's not like we can make it fly or anything." He chuckled softly.

Titan Tv man hesitated for a moment, and he watched as TV woman walked over and gently lifted Echo back into the wheelchair. "All right. Let's see how this thing handles." They tested the wheelchair together, Echo moving it back and forth as they walked side by side. It seemed to be working fine now.

As they continued their journey, Titan Tv man found himself thinking more about what Knife Speakerman had said earlier. He couldn't help but feel a bit of a connection to the old. "Hey, Echo," he said, breaking the silence. "You know, I've been thinking...maybe it's not such a bad thing to get a bit older."

Echo stopped and she begun to twitch and foam at the mouth. and she collapsed but was help up by her wheelchair. titan tv man spoke up "TAKE the wheelchair off her!" 

TV woman teleported over and removed the wheelchair from Echo and she lay Echo on her side on the ground. Echo kept twitching and foam dripped from her jaws and Tv woman spoke up. " She's having a seizure!"

 Echo soon started to sweat as she convulsed. and Echo's breathing soon stopped completely. 

Titan speakerman knelt down beside her. "Oh, Echo...I'm so sorry. I never meant for this to happen." 

He gently stroked her head, wishing he could take away her pain. The others watched in silence; their hearts heavy with grief. Titan speakerman looked down at his daughter hoping she would wake up. "Echo...are you okay? Can you hear me?" 

There was no response. Echo's eyes were closed, and she didn't seem to be breathing anymore. Titan speakerman's heart ached as he realized that she was gone. The others stood around him, unsure of what to say or do. Finally, knife speakerman spoke up. "We should take her back to the base. We can't leave her here." 

They all nodded silently, and slowly, they began to make their way back to the base. Along the way, they each took turns carrying Echo's limp body, their hearts heavy with grief.

When they arrived at the base, they laid Echo gently on a makeshift bed. Titan speakerman sat down beside her, his head in his hands. He couldn't believe she was really gone. The others stood around him, offering their condolences and sharing their own memories. 

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