Chapter 20

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Echo thought about what the spirit of her grandmother had said and she looked at her father her blind gaze fixed on him. " Papa? I saw the spirit of grandmother Snowy....she told me mother is not in the afterlife... What does she mean?" 

Titan speakerman spoke up. " I believe you are crystal reborn...but your mother has to be in the afterlife."

Echo cocked her head. " what do you mean papa?"

 Titan speakerman knelt down. " I believe you are your mother Crystal reborn. She died of old age and you were born shortly after. Your spirit is similar to her and your fur is the same color as hers. I think you are her reborn.....but if her spirit is not in the afterlife...she was unable to pass on because she is worried about you."

 Echo thought about it for a moment. " But I'm blind..." 

Outside the base the spirit of crystal stood there and the spirit of Snowy approaches the spirit of Crystal. " Come Crystal.... It's time you come to the afterlife....your daughter Echo is in good hands."

The spirit of Crystal turned to the spirit of Snowy. " I am ready mother...lets go."

Crystal takes one last look at the base before she turned around and followed her mother Snowy and the two spirits fade away into stars. 

Echo would be wondering through the base using her paws like a cane to find her way around. Knife speakerman walked over to Titan Speakerman. " Echo won't be able to have a normal life like a normal wolf." 

Titan Speakerman placed the wolf fang necklace around his head and transformed into his wolf form. " I will take Echo to the forest and Teach her how to fish despite her being blind. "

Titan Speakerman walked over to Echo. " Echo."

Echo turned her blind gaze to her father who is in his wolf form. " Yes father what is it?"

Titan Speakerman sat down his tail wagging. " What do you say about going to the forest to fish?" 

Echo stared wide eyed at her father. " But how can I fish I'm blind." 

titan speakerman in his wolf form tilted his speaker head and he looked at Titan tv man and he spoke up. " Can you wait here a second."

Echo tilted her head. " Uh...I guess i won't be going anywhere since i am Blind."

titan Speakerman ran over to Titan Tv man. " Titan TV man you have to help me."

 Titan tv man shifted his tv head downwards to look at Titan speakerman. " Titan speakerman you are in your wolf form...also you took care of your pups before what do you...." 

Before Titan Tv man could finish speaking titan Speakerman placed his front paws onto Titan Tv man. " Just turn into your wolf's easier if i talk to you when you are in your wolf form."

 Titan Tv man placed the wolf fang necklace around his head and turned into his wolf form. " Alright now what is it you want to tell me." 

Titan speakerman got behind titan Tv man and he mounted him and titan tv man growled his tv head screen glowing red. " WHAT ARE YOU DOING!"

 Titan Speakerman ignored titan Tv man and he continued to hump the tv wolf titan. Titan Tv man Growled again and he spun around throwing the speaker titan off him. " i think it's time you got Neutered!" 

Titan Speakerman whimpered and he tucked his tail between his legs. " Anything but that please....I am sorry...I wanted to play?." 

Titan Tv man looked at the speaker titan who was now on the ground and he growled. " Don't ever pull off that act again do you hear me or else you will be fixed! That's not ok...I know you miss my daughter Crystal but....doing what you just did.....Not ok....but I understand you are needing my help with Echo....if you want to hump something do it with a couch." 

Titan Speakerman nodded his head quickly. " I won't...I promise...I won't....And thank you...I do need help with teach her how to fish despite her being blind i don't know how to teach a blind pup like Echo how to do things on her own. i need help with that...Also I will keep that in mind next time." 

Titan Tv man sighed and he turned back into his humanoid titan form. " Fine...I will help you....but if you ever pull that act again...I will have you fixed....understood?" 

Titan Speakerman nodded and he turned back into his humanoid form. " Understood....thank you...thank you for your help with Echo." 

Titan Tv man nodded. " Now go and get your blind pup...I will show you how to fish."

 Titan Speakerman walked over to Echo. " Echo...let's go...Titan Tv man will help us."

 Echo smiled up at her father. " Alright papa." 

Titan Speakerman led Echo over to Titan Tv man. " Titan Tv man...I want to thank you for helping Echo....I...I am Sorry for what I did...It won't happen again." 

 Titan Tv man waved his hand. " It's fine...I understand....Now let's get you two to the forest and teach you how to fish....but that will have to wait till morning. 

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