Chapter 7

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Crystal pushed open her room door looking around making sure the allies were no where in sight and she left the base headed to the forest where she met up with a camo Skibidi. " Alright I am Here Skibidi...This better be Important. "

The skibidi spoke up. " It is...look some of Us Skibidi toilets Don't want to fight some of us just want to live in peace. "

Crystal tilted her head. " Then tell the Allies that you want nothing but to live in peace."

The skibidi shook his head. " They don't understand our language....but you....Your a wolf and you can understand all languages. "

Crystal sighed. " That is true but It feels more like a curse than helpful.... I don't know if the allies will listen to me at all....but I will try my best to help....and if I fail at this you can rat me out or worse." 

The skibidi spoke up. " Also the skibidi leader has a Counter Titan that they will use to destroy everyone.... You better be ready."

Before Crystal could speak she yelped as a blade appeared behind the skibidi and the blade killed the skibidi. Crystal stood up facing her dad Titan TV Man. " Crystal I am Disappointed in you talking with the enemy."

Crystal whimpered she knew it was useless trying to talk to her dad when he is this angry. " Dad I'm sorry....I thought."

Before Crystal could finish speaking Titan TV Man spoke up. " you thought what that You could try and make friends with the enemy. "

Crystal growled at Titan TV man. " You and the Alliance are literally humanoid robots/androids and you have A/V equipment for I'm sorry it's just I'm in heat....Dad...."

Titan tv man placed the wolf fang necklace around his neck and he transformed into his wolf form still having a tv for a head and he headed to his daughter Crystal. " Crystal when your mother was in heat she acted the same way so she removed one of her own fangs turning it into a necklace for me to use to transform into a wolf whenever I wear it....and I did mate with your mother but I never thought she would be pregnant with you......the day you were born was also the same day your mother died to the saw blade skibidi...Speaker woman tried to save Snowy but she was dying and to end her suffering Titan Speakerman killed her with one of his knives...but now that you are in heat You need to find your mate...."

Crystal put a paw to one of her fangs and yelped as she broke the fang loose and held it in her paw. " I know who I want as a mate....if you can make my fang into a necklace give it to Titan Speakerman....we both love eachother."

Out of Nowhere Titan Cameraman appeared. " Hi Titan TV man and Crystal....We have a problem The clock people's clock titan was destroyed....and I am still recovering after being possessed by a skibidi parasite....and when we took titan clock man to a safe place skibidi toilets attacked and we had to run....Titan Speakerman is undergoing repairs but he is fine. As for me I'm still trying to forget when I was possessed by the parasite."

Crystal sighed and she spoke up. " Lets head back to base."

When Crystal, Titan Cameraman and Titan Tv Man (now back in his humanoid form) stepped in front of Crystal and Titan TV man spoke up. " Crystal wait out here for a second please."

Crystal tilted her head confused. " O...k."

She watched as the two Titans went inside the base and a few seconds later the doors of the base opens and Crystal walked into the pitch blackness. " Dad? Titan Cameraman...did we have a power outage... I can't see a thing."

The lights turned on and everyone shouted. "SURPRISE!"

Crystal leapt backwards out of the door and fell into a spike pit trap ment for skibidi toilets and she impaled herself on a spike. Blood dripped from her stomach where the spike impaled her as well as blood dripping from her jaws. Crystal whined as her vision blurred but she still remained strong. Titan Speakerman had already pulled Crystal off the spike and he held her dying frame. " We need to stabilize Crystal!"

The rest of the Alliance rushed around them. "We need to get her back to base, now!"

Crystal felt herself being carried by someone, her body too weak to protest. The sound of engines roared and she felt herself being lifted into the air. "Where am I going?" She asked weakly.

"To the base, sweetie. Just hold on." It was Titan TV Man who answered.

Time seemed to slow down as Crystal's vision grew more and more blurry. She could hear the voices of her friends and family, their words a jumbled mess. The air grew warmer, the engines roaring louder, and then, suddenly, everything went black.

Crystal opened her eyes to find herself lying on a soft, comfortable surface. The room was dimly lit, and she could hear the soft hum of machines. She turned her head, spotting Titan Speakerman sitting beside her. "You're awake," he said softly. "How do you feel?"

She let out a shaky breath. "I... I feel... better." The memory of the spike pit faded from her mind, replaced by a dull ache in her stomach. "Th-thank you... for... s-saving me..." she managed to say between ragged gasps.

"Of course, sweetheart. We're a team, remember? Now, let's get you something to eat and drink, hm?" Titan Speakerman said reassuringly, helping her sit up but she collapsed back onto her side. Crystal nodded weakly, feeling a tear slip from her eyes. She had almost lost him too. But they were in this together, and she knew they'd make it through but Crystal took a turn for the worse.

The food and drink that were brought to her made her stomach churn. She could barely keep it down. Titan Speakerman noticed her discomfort and gently patted her head. "It's alright, Crystal. Your body needs time to adjust. Just rest and let us know if you need anything."

Time passed slowly, each breath a struggle. Crystal drifted in and out of consciousness, haunted by images of the battle and the surprise party that had turned into a nightmare. The sound of voices filled her ears, their words muffled and indistinct. She felt as if she were floating, detached from her own body, watching from a distance as the world went on without her her breathing became bearly noticeable to the point she seemed to not breath at all. She couldn't even hear a thing or see anything. A cameraman scientist walked to the awaiting Alliance members. " I'm sorry to say Crystal is dead....Titan TV man, Titan Cameraman and Titan speakerman, you can go in and spend your last moments with her...I checked her over before coming out and I felt no heartbeat or breathing coming from her." 

Titan Speakerman and Titan Cameraman exchanged a look, Titan TV Man simply nodded, his throat too tight to speak. They stepped over the makeshift barrier and approached the motionless form of their friend. Titan Speakerman reached out, tentatively touching her cold fur. "Oh, Crystal...," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

Titan Cameraman knelt beside her, taking her limp paw in his hand. "I... I don't understand. She seemed to be getting better..." he trailed off, his voice cracking.

Titan Speakerman shook his head. "We should have moved her sooner. We should have done more..." he said hoarsely.

Titan TV Man stood silently, his gaze fixed on the floor. He knew they could have done more, but they had all been so focused on the mission, on winning the war... They hadn't expected this. They hadn't expected to lose Crystal.

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