Chapter 19

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a few weeks later Echo would be at the base but when Titan Speakerman Noticed Echo bumping into walls, walking in circles and when she walked she would use her front paws like a cane. Knife speakerman walked up to Titan Speakerman. " it seems Echo is blind....She was born prematurely." 

Titan Speakerman nodded and picked up Echo. " Well then....I guess I will have to help her get around."

Echo whined as she rubbed her eyes hoping to see. " why am I blind?" she asked.

Titan Speakerman hugged her. " You were born that way Echo but it will be alright, your papa will always be there to help you."

Banshee, Storm and Obsidian walked over to their little sister.  " And we will help care for you little sis."

Knife speakerman crossed his arms. " This isn't what I signed up for. I'm off to go and help the alliance fight the skibidi toilets you are alone on this one Titan Speakerman." 

Titan Speakerman nodded. " I understand Knife....I will come with you.... Banshee, Storm and Obsidian can watch Echo."

after a long while the alliance returned but a few members didn't return. Obsidian ran to TV woman. " Where is Plunger cameraman and Knife speakerman?"

TV woman Spoke up. " they are coming they are badly wounded though."

Titan Speakerman would notice that echo would show the same personality that Crystal had. " I wonder if Echo is crystal living life with a second chance." Titan Speakerman asked himself.

The alliance would help Plunger cameraman and Knife speakerman to recover. Plunger cameraman would take a moment to look at Echo. " She looks just like Crystal....She has the same personality too." 

Plunger Cameraman would then turn to Titan Speakerman. " I'm sorry for your loss Titan Speakerman." 

Titan Speakerman Looked at Plunger cameraman. " No need to apologize Plunger....She was my life and now she lives on in Echo." 

Echo walked over to her father and rubbed her head against his leg. " I miss mommy....Do you miss mommy too papa?" 

Titan Speakerman held her close. " I miss her very much Echo but now she is with us in spirit and now she has given us a new member of our family."

 Echo smiled just then Titan Tv man and Titan Cameraman walked over to Titan Speakerman. Echo spoke up. " Grandfather titan Tv man Do you miss mother?"

Titan Tv man knelt down. " Yes I miss her very much Echo."

 Echo smiled. " I'm going to be just like her when I grow up." 

Titan Tv man picked Echo up in his massive hand and he hugged her. " That's a very good thing Echo but you won't be able to help much since you are blind."

 Echo frowned. "But I can be a good listener like you grandfather." 

Echo wondered off and she used her front paws like a cane to find her way about. Echo stumbled out of the base and she puts her nose to the ground and sniffed. High in the air an eagle was flying. The eagle spotted Echo and it swoops down its tallons outstretched. Echo growled and she tried to run but the eagle was faster and it grabbed her. The eagle carried Echo off as she let out a cry of fear. " PAPA!" 

Echo looked around her blind eyes searching franticly and she cried again but her voice was bearly heard. " PAPA!" 

Titan Speakerman heard his daughter's cries and he knew something was wrong. He rushed out of the base and he looked around. " ECHO!" He called out. 

Echo's voice came from the sky. "PAPA!" 

The eagle released its tallons from Echo and Echo begun to fall from the sKy towards the ground. Echo's blind eyes filled with fear as she fell. "PAPA!" 

Echo hit the ground and she let out a sickening yelp. Echo lay on the cold ground blood dripping from her jaws and nose and her blind eyes quivering and her bones were broken. " P-papa?" 

Echo closed her eyes and she went limp. Echo died from her injuries. Titan Speakerman heard her last words and his heart shattered into a million pieces. He cried out her name as he rushed over to where she lay lifeless. "ECHO!"

 He knelt down and picked up his daughter's body. "I'm sorry Echo...I should have protected you..." 

He cried through his speaker head as he rocked her body back and forth. "I'm so sorry..." 

In the afterlife echo woke up but was approached by her grandmother Snowy. " Echo return to your father, return to the alliance.... The afterlife is not ready for you."

 Echo felt a tugging sensation and she was back in the living world. Titan Speakerman held her lifeless body in his massive hands, echo opened her blind eyes and she spoke up. " P-papa?"

 Titan Speakerman looked down at her. "Yes's me." He held her close and he rocked her. 

Knife speakerman walked over. " Let me take Echo to the medical bay." 

Titan Speakerman looked at his friend. "Thank you Knife." 

Knife Speakerman nodded and he took Echo from Titan Speakerman and he carried her away. " We'll take care of her." Knife said as he carried Echo to the medical bay.

Titan Speakerman followed them and he stayed by Echo's side. He leaned against the wall. "I promise Echo...I will protect you...I'll make sure nothing like this ever happens again." He whispered as he held his head in his hands. 

The doctors worked on Echo for hours but they were able to save her. Echoes condition became stable as the medical team kept working. Finally, the doctor came out and informed them that there was nothing more they could do. They had done everything they could for her. Titan Speakerman looked at the doctor. " have to save her..." He begged refusing to believe that they had done everything they could.

 The doctor simply nodded in understanding and left them alone with Echo. Titan Speakerman held her paw in his hand. "I'm sorry Echo...I should've been there...I should've protected you..." 

Echo whined. " Papa?" 

Close by the spirit of Snowy stood beside Titan Speakerman and she spoke. " you are not ready to join the afterlife Echo you must stay here with your father and the Alliance.... Only you can see and hear me echo." 

Echo tilted her head slightly confused. "But I'm blind..."

 Snowy laughed softly. " you can see only when the spirits are near but as soon as I leave you will be blind once again..."

 Echo looked around but didn't see her mother crystal. " where is mother?" 

Snowy flattened her ears and she faded away and Echo becomes blind once again but Show's voice echoed through the air. "Crystal is not in the afterlife, Echo." 

Echo sat up and whined. " What do you mean grandmother Snowy why isn't my mother in the afterlife?" But there was no response from Snowy. 

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