Chapter 12

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Storm growled. " No wonder why her mother Snowy died it was because she didn't want to keep fighting the skibidi toilets...that was a weak move on Snowy's part I don't blame Snowy for taking the easy way out."

Tv Woman on her tv screen made a sad face ˙◠˙. "It wasn't an easy way out, Storm. Your grandmother died because she loved us enough to sacrifice herself so that we could live. She knew that she was too old to fight anymore, and she didn't want to risk the alliance or other Titans getting hurt trying to protect her."

Storm growled. " Still, she probably died just to get away from the fighting." Titan Tv man walked over an angry face ◣_◢ on his tv head. " STORM! you will not talk about your grandmother like that ever! Do I make myself clear!"

Storm looked at his grandfather and then turned his head away. "Yes grandfather."

Banshee turned her speaker head to Storm. " What you said about grandmother was wrong."

Storm stood up. " Like I give a damn I'm not weak like you or mother!" Storm ran out of the base.

Tv Woman watched Storm leave the room, her heart heavy with worry. She knew that he was hurting, and that he was struggling to come to terms with everything that had happened. But she also knew that they needed him, now more than ever. She turned back to Banshee, her expression solemn. "Your mother is strong, Banshee. She's a leader, and she's made her share of difficult decisions. She's not weak, and she doesn't want you to think that she is. She's doing what she believes is best for our people."

Storm ran to the base of the Skibidi toilets but was stopped by the skibidi toilet scientist. " Before you attack me skibidi toilet I want to join you I am done being with my mother and the Alliance because they are weak."

The skibidi toilet scientist looked at Storm for a moment and then nodded. "Very well, Storm. Prove your loyalty to us and you may join our ranks."

Storm smiled coldly. "I will."

***meanwhile back at the alliance base***

The doctors finally finished their work on Crystal, and Tv Woman was relieved to see her friend's chest rise and fall.

"She's going to be okay," one of the doctors assured them. "But she'll need plenty of rest and time to recover. She lost a lot of blood."

As they all breathed a sigh of relief, Banshee turned to Tv Woman. "Thank you for everything you've done. I don't know what I'd do without you...and I want to know more about Grandmother Snowy."

Tv Woman looked at Banshee. "Of course, dear. Your mother will tell you all about her when she's feeling up to it. And in the meantime, I'm here for you."

In the distance, they heard a commotion. It was Storm, returning to the base. The look on his face was unreadable as he stormed into the room. "I'm ready," he growled, his fur bristling. "Let's go."

The skibidi toilet scientist smiled coldly. "Very well, Storm. You are now one of us. Prove your loyalty, and we will reward you greatly."

With that, Storm turned on his heel and left the base, disappearing into the night. The skibidi toilet scientist watched him go with a calculating expression, wondering what role Storm would play in their plans for dominance.

Back at the alliance base, Crystal lay in her bed, her chest rising and falling slowly as she slept. Tv Woman sat beside her, holding her paw and whispering words of encouragement. She knew that they had lost one of their own, but they would not give up without a fight. They would honor Snowy's memory by continuing to fight for their people and their world.

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