Chapter 17

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Titan TV man walked over to Snowy in his wolf form. " Snowy?"

Snowy stirs from her sleep and she looked up at Titan TV man. " What do you want?" 

Titan TV man sat down in front of Snowy. " I Just thought you wanted that surprise I told you I had."

Snowy tilted her head and she spoke. " Of course, I want that surprise."

Titan TV man stood up. " Then come with me."

Snowy stood up and she followed Titan TV man into a supply room. Titan TV man stood to the side holding out his paw. " Lady's first."

Snowy walked into the supply room and Titan TV man looked around his TV head scanning the base before he walked into the room behind Snowy closing the door enclosing the room in darkness. Snowy looked around fear in her eyes. " Titan TV man I don't like this."

Titan TV man reached a paw in the air and pulled a chain attached to a light bulb and the room lights up. " No need to be afraid."

Snowy looked around and spotted two beer mugs full of beer and three beer bottles. " What is this?"

Titan TV man tilted his tv head at Snowy. " It's the surprise...what else would it be?"

Snowy looked at the room again. " this is not bad at least you tried and we are alone in a small supply room."

Titan TV man lifted a paw up. " Then let us get drunk and fall in love." 

Titan TV man's tv head flickers as he approached Snowy. As Snowy lapped at the beer in one of the mugs and after a while she would be drunk. " Snowy you ready...." 

Titan TV man in His wolf form walked up behind Snowy. 

  Outside the supply room door Knife speakerman hears the commotion inside and he opened the door to Titan TV man in his wolf form with Snowy. "I see you're busy, I'll come back later." Knife Speakerman said as he closed the door, deciding to give them some privacy. 

After a while Snowy and Titan TV man lay on the floor of the supply room. Snowy Sat up and she spoke. " I need to get some *hiccup* sleep....I don't feel so *hiccup* good."

Snowy walked out of the supply room bumping into walls and tripping over her paws. Snowy fell over on her side and she spoke. " Stop... *hiccup*moving....stay *hiccup* still before * hiccup* *hiccup* things get real ugly." 

Snowy passes out but is still hiccupping in her sleep. After a while Snowy woke up and she sat up as Knife speakerman walked over. " Hi Knife speakerman..... Hope you are ready to baby sit my pup when they are born." 

Knife speakerman spoke up. " do i look like a babysitter to you!" he shouted. 

Snowy flattened her ears. " you don't have to worry about it just yet besides I don't even know if I am pregnant...with a baby...even if I am I don't think the pups father Titan tv man will want to help care for them." 

Knife speaker man snorted. " Why did you choose titan tv man to be your new mate I am more reliable than that stupid tv titan....If you are not pregnant I can change that for you right now." Knife speakerman walked up to snowy kneeling down beside her to her level. " Now...Let's see if you are pregnant."

 Knife speakerman walked closer to Snowy and he placed a hand on her belly and pushed into her belly felling for any signs of snowy being pregnant and he spoke. " It's hard to tell at this time it's too early to tell we need to wait till you show signs of pregnancy."

 Knife speakerman stood up and walked away from Snowy. " Now get some rest snowy we got time till you show any signs of being pregnant the signs include Increase in appetite, Weight gain, Increase in nipple size, Swollen belly and you will Tire more easily not to mention a bit more moody so if you start showing these signs you will know if you are pregnant...but if you don't than you are not pregnant." 

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