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His father : I am not your enemy karan, I want you to be successful and these things are good for time pass.

Karan nodded with his head down.

His mother : he understand. Please calm down.

His father : you know I feel like if it would be my son there on that girl's place I would be so proud of him.

His mother : hmm.

Karan : dad I promise I will be like you wish.

His father : better, right now I told my manager to invite her to Jaipur, I want her to get the deserving prize for her idea and business mind.

His mother : yeah, you can hire her.

His father : she is BBA student.

Karan is feeling bad of all this comparison. Because his father didn't value his talent of writing.

His father got a call. So he went to recieve it.

His mother : you don't feel bad my child and focus a bit in dad's business, he wants help now.

Karan : yes mom, I will join soon.

In room,

Mr. Kundra : yeah what happened?

Manager : sir, I talked to dean, I got details of that girl and a good news.

Mr. Kundra : what?

Manager : you know her dad personally, she is daughter of Prakash Wayangankar.

Mr. Kundra : seriously?

Manager : you know him, right?

Mr. Kundra : yeah, he was my classmate in school, do you remember 1 year ago when I went to bhopal I met him.

Manager : yes sir, I remember she is daughter of Prakash sir.

Mr. Kundra : that's so good to hear. I will surely talk to Prakash, do you find contact of Prakash, because now I didn't have his number.

Manager : yes, sir I text you.

Mr. Kundra : thanks.

Manager : it's my work sir.

Mr kundra is happy, because she is daughter of his friend.

Stay tuned.

Tejran - Love in Arrange MarriageWhere stories live. Discover now