Chapter 27: A punch to the face

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Songs for this chapter:

Therapy by All Time Low

Helena by My Chemical Romance



The past two days have gone by quickly. Luke came and picked me up every morning and he would rive us to the beach to play volleyball until I had to go to work. Lacrosse practice was cancelled, again, so I didn't have to worry about that and today I had an early shift at the diner.

Luke had texted me late last night saying he was going to pick me up after my shift and I needed to dress appropriately for the water.

Literally, the only thing that's been on my mind for the past few days was that stupid kiss!

I told Sam about it just yesterday and she was bombarding me with questions ever since. My feelings towards Luke can be so un clear sometimes, but these past three days have been amazing and we were actually getting along, excluding a few irritating moments between us.

My shift was slowly coming to an end since it was almost two o'clock. I've been working since eight in the morning and to say that i'm exhausted is an under statement. I didn't get much sleep last night since Luke had insisted we stayed at the beach to perfect the volleyball skills since he said today we would be using the nets.

When the clock struck two, I packed up and removed my waist apron, saying my goodbyes to Lenny and Lily before leaving.

Luke was outside the dinner, leaning against the board walk frame in front of the diner. The good thing about working at the beach and the diner was that they were so close together so I didn't really have to worry about rushing back and forth.\


Luke glanced up from his phone, a smile etching on his lips as he slipped his phone into his pocket, "Hey. Ready to go?"

I nod and we both walk side by side down to the beach. "So after we play volleyball, I was thinking we go into the water and after thatttt," He slurred, jumping off the last few steps of the wooden stair case from the board walk and onto the sand, "We could watch a movie or something after, at my place."

Oh. This was a little different. Sure, we've hung out the last three days just us two at the beach and we went roller blading that one time, but those were public places with other people surrounding us. I guess the idea of full on being alone with Luke were there would be no one else sort of.... worried me? It wasn't worry just it felt like this was a whole other step to our 'friendship' or whatever the hell it was.

"Sure," I calmly reply when inside I was sort of freaking out. Relax, Sage. It's just a movie. "Would Daniel be joining us?"

"No, he's hanging out wit his brother tonight so we have the house to ourselves." He casually replies.

"Oh fuck, the courts are taken up." He pouts. "It's okay, we can wait." I say, "We can warm up or something."

We spend half an hour warming up before the group of people finish their game and its our turn to use the beach volleyball court. I honestly really suck, but my serves have gotten a lot better and I can volley the ball back to Luke, most of the time.

The only sucky part was the fact that the ball still make my wrists hurt so I tried not to do any under hand hits unless I absolutely had to.

We were in the middle of the game, 7-5, Luke winning of course, when a high pitch voice squealed from behind me. "Luke!"

"Oh fuck!" Luke yelled when the voice startled him, making him send the volley ball out the courts. "Ha, I get a point!" I yell, cheering. That is until I turn around and see Florence, Vera and Cleo right behind us.

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