Chapter 14: Beau's nudes

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I hate exams. Cheeky title aye? ;) 

Songs for this chapter:

Miss Jackson by Panic! At the disco 

Shelter by Birdy



I saw the Janoskians' house as I kept running. My legs and body were aching and I was tired. My body was freezing from the cold water and the windy night. As I reached their door was I knocked as loud as I could. Maybe this was  a bad idea? Its very late right now. I just needed to see someone. I coudn't go home. I didn't want to see my mom nor my sister. I cound't rush over to Sam, she'd freak out. I start to panic when there wasn't an answer. I can't just keep running to the boys, im so annoying. I was about to leave when the door opened, revealing a sleepy Luke. He was wearing sweat pants and a white t shirt. His hazel eyes were confused as he saw me drenched in water, shivering at his doorway.

"Sage?" His voice croaked out. 

Right then and there, I bursted into tears. Luke was shocked but he didn't think twice as he pulled off his white t shirt and placed it around me and wrapped his arms around my frightened body. "Sage, its okay? What happened." He asked as he held onto me. I shook my head, letting the tears flood down my face. "I t-thought you were i-in t-the water! I thought you, you died!" I cried. What happened reminded me so much of what happened that night I met Luke, I was terrified. "You thought I was dead...?" Luke whispered as he took a look at me. I just cried harder. This is so embarresing. Here I was, crying in the arms of a boy that I never thought I would come to when I'm crying about how I thought he was dead. "Where's Beau?" I sniffle. Luke's eyes harden but soften again. "He's not home... none of the boys are." I wipe my eyes but I knew more tears where coming. "This was a bad idea, I should-d l-leave." I stutter. "No, Sage. You aren't leaving. Let's get you inside in something warm. Your body is cold. Tell me what happened inside." Luke demanded as he swept me off the ground and into his arms. He carried me bridel style into the house, closing the door behind him.   He took me up stairs to hs familiar bedroom and laid me on his bed, shuffling across the room, returning with a blanket and a towel. He first wrapped the towel around me before rushing out the room, soon returning with a mug and some clothes in hand. "Come, let's dry you off. You can take a warm shower and then we'll talk." I nodded and sniffled. Why was I crying so hard? This was so unlike me. 

After taking a well needed shower, my body was relaxed and warm. I wrapped the fresh towel Luke gave me and changed into the sweat pants and black shirt that he had supplied for me. I shakely walked out the bathroom and Luke was sitting at his desk, drumming his hands on the wooden table. "How are you feeling?" He murmured as he took a few strides towards me. "Im okay, look Luke Im so sorry about this." 

"Its okay, you don't need to be sorry. Just, please, tell me what happened." He pleaded. I sighed and he took my hand in his as he lead me towards his bed. His hands were warm and I felt a little tingle rush through me before he let go of my hand and wrapped a blanket around me, handing me a mug of what looked like tea. "We ran out of coffee." He sheepishly stated. I gave him a small smile. I love tea. "Its okay, you've done more than enough." 

"So tell me what happened." 

"I was at the beach on life guard duty and it was getting dark and I swear to god I saw a guy drowning in there, exactly like that night..." I trail off but Luke courages me to go on, "So I run and jump and in and swim to where I think the guy was, and, he looked like you from what I could see but it turns out no one was in the water..." Luke sighs and he wraps his arms around me. We are both shocked by his actions but we both stay quiet. He rests his chin on my shoulder and we stay like that for a bit. I feel myself getting tired and I close my eyes as I rest my head against his chest. "Sleepy?" 

"Yes." I murmure. "Come on, let's get you under the covers. You have your phone to contact your mum right?" I yawn, "Its in my hoodie pocket." Luke's fishes in the hoodie pocket and pulls out my phone. "Password?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. I scoff, "I'm not telling you, pass it over, Brooks." Luke rolls his eyes at me and hands me my phone. I entre the code and give it back to him. I watch him carefully and Luke rolls his eyes, again, at me. "What? You don't trust me on your phone? IS there something you don't want me to see?" He questions curiously. "No, I just, i dont know." 

"Do you have porn on your phone?" He asks, cooly. 

"What?! No! Luke-" 

"Beau's nudes?" He asks in a chill tone. What the hell? "Luke Brooks, why in the world would I have nudes of your brother on my phone?!" I almost yell. Is he high? Clearly he's trying to push my buttons but he looks so serious about it. 

"If it's not porn or Beau's nudes its defentinally your nudes, don't worry I won't look." He winked. 

I grab a pillow and throw it at Luke, it hits him in the head. He glares at me and I cross my arms over my chest. "That's what you get for asking me such things. You deserve it." 

"Your right, I do." He grins, "Now, go to bed, Sage. I grumble a 'fine.' and sneak under the covers, sneakily watching Luke through the tiny gap of the covers. I don't know if im trying to hide something from Luke but I guess I just want him to read my textes with Beau. I don't even know why. Im just friends with Beau and I don't even know where I stand with Luke. I've officially gone insane. Why do I care so much? Luke is still typing and I think he's trust worthy enough on my phone so I let my eyes go close and I sink deep into Luke's covers. Wow, they even smell like him. I snuggle further into the bed and try to get some rest. I really need it.



Yay so a little bit of a Luke and Sage moment! Do you guys ship Sage and Beau or Sage and Luke??? 

What's their ship names? Please comment! Thanks :) 


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