~ Chapter 1 ~

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Chapter 1
Saturday August 12th
Mallory's POV

"Mal, aren't you just so upset this is our last night together?" Veronica, my best friend since we were babies, drunkenly placed her glass on the bar countertop. Her other hand was on my shoulder, hanging onto me, and she was speaking quite loudly for such a quiet room.

I laughed at her dramatics. "I'm not dying"

"You're going to be a surgical resident. It's practically the same thing" She defended, then turned to the bartender. "Another drink, please"

"Me too, thank you" I chimed in, telling the bartender.

"Do you think you'll get to cut somebody open this week?" She asked. When sober, Veronica is already very blunt. Her being drunk just adds to the never knowing of what is going to come out of her mouth.

"Shh" I giggled, also feeling the alcohol running through me as well. I knew that I was tipsy at this point. "It'll only be my first week, so I'll probably just be observing"

"Well you tell them you want in on every surgery" She waved a finger at me. Veronica decided it would be a good idea to watch the entirety of Grey's Anatomy over the summer. She claimed it was so she would know what I was getting myself into and she wanted to "be prepared" for all the stories that I would come home with. I told her that hospital television probably isn't the most accurate portrayal of what my life will be like over the next 5 years of residency, but she was adamant that fighting over surgeries was real and cutthroat. For my sake, I hoped it wasn't.

"I'm sure it'll all be fine" I said confidently. Up until this point, I have been extremely nervous about starting off my intern year. I'm so afraid that I'll forget everything I know, make a detrimental mistake, and all the hard work I've put in through out medical school would be thrown out the window the second I need to make a urgent decision. Now that it's getting closer, I realized that I needed to push all my nerves aside or something is bound to go wrong.

If I go into my intern year confidently, then everything is going to be fine.

I just needed to stop worrying about it.

"Ooh!" She gasped, thanking the bartender for our drinks and then getting back to her idea. "What if there's a hot doctor like McDreamy? You could be Meredith"

"Oh really? Look at how that turned out for them" I retorted, referring to the negative aspects of when they were first trying to be with one another.

She stared at me confused. "They got married and had 3 children"

"And then he died" I took another sip.

"Nobody is dying" She playfully argued, but then retracted her statement. "Actually, you're working in a hospital, a lot of people could be dying"

"You know what I love about you?" I smiled at her.


"You're just always so encouraging" I sarcastically said.

"That's what I'm here for" She laughed. "Make sure you don't get on any planes"

"That stuff does not happen in real life" I shook my head, again, choosing to be an optimist in this situation.

"Plane crashes are very real, but whatever you say Mal"

The nerves started to sneak back up again, but I quickly downed them away by finishing the rest of my drink. I ordered another one from the bar, and looked around the semi empty place as I waited. My eyes landed on a group of guys, that are probably around my age, staring at me in a way I did not like. I shifted in my seat and pulled my dress lower down my thighs.

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