~ Chapter 16 ~

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Chapter 16
Friday September 1st
Mallory's POV

"We are the eye of this storm on this one guys. Everything and everyone is coming here. Code yellow has been declared, disaster protocol is in effect until you hear otherwise" Dr. Brooks was leading my group of interns, minus Mason who has been here since last night and now working overtime, down to the emergency room.

"I found it" Mason came running into us, holding a polaroid camera in his hand. When I saw him, I was reminded that I needed to ask him if Harry went to talk to him, and if so what did he say. I needed to know what kind of day I was going to have, but I didn't have a chance right now of course. "Why do we have this anyways?"

Dr. Brooks looked at him with a blank stare. "Because an apartment building collapsed"

Mason looked at him like he wasn't following.

"Because this hospital is going to be filled with victims, survivors, and their loved ones very shortly. People are going to want to know if their loved ones made it to this hospital, or if they're still under the rubble. The only way to know for sure, is to identify them using photos" Dr. Brooks explained. "You can be on photo duty since you've been here all night. Dr. Evans wants a picture of every single patient brought into this hospital on the board. Got it?"

"That's boring" Mason huffed, holding the camera down by his side with slumped shoulders.

Dr. Brooks looked at him.

"Got it" Mason begrudgingly corrected.

"You four, with me" Dr. Brooks motioned to us others and we scurried down to the ER at a quick pace.

When we walked in, it was already chaos. There were sounds of sirens, people talking to one another, stretchers everywhere, patient info being called out to doctors, and nurses rushing around very quickly. It was definitely the busiest I've seen the emergency room be thus far, and it was definitely crazy considering the circumstances.

"Finally, something interesting" Camilla clapped her hands right when a new patient was being wheeled in, and they looked in rough shape for lack of a better word. My eyes softened, but Camilla's widened in happiness. "I call it!"

Camilla ran off after Dr. Tan who was the attending on that case and basically it left Beau, Isabella, and I to jump in wherever we could.

I looked around the room that was moving at a million miles an hour around me. The sounds of everyone shouting and rushing around was loud. "Whose patient is this?!" "Sir, you need to lay down!" "I've got O-Neg!"

When I looked back to my left, Beau and Isabella were gone, now across the room to find which attending's needed help first. It was a madhouse in here.

"Have you seen Dr. Machado?" Dr. Boden asked in a rush to me.

"No, I just got here. Sorry" I answered quickly, regretful that I couldn't help him out. He nodded and ran around to go ask someone else or find her himself, and I perked up at the sound of someone yelling there was another ambulance coming right now.

I started to rush through the crowd of people to head outside to the ambulance bay, hoping that I could assist with whatever upcoming trauma was arriving. Since this was an all hands on deck situation, we were told we didn't really have specialty assignments today. I jogged to the double doors, my body coming in close contact with navy blue scrubs also trying to get to the same place.

"Oh look at you trying to be a doctor today" He remarked, walking beside me in the New York air while tugging on the white doctors coat I was wearing. A lot of the time, I'm just in my scrubs, but today I opted to wear my coat as well.

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